initial ndicaciones? Hgase to accompany by one or more familiar? It takes all the previous examinations? It takes written down all their questions and obtain all answers? It has one hour at least to his consultation? It writes down all drugs (remedies that take)? If one is going away to realise some procedure it keeps six hours from fasting? After this, it takes his drugs as they have indicated it? Mantngase in control with its MEDICAL doctor daily EVALUCION MULTIDICIPLINARIA In the first or second consultation will be defined that integral of the equipment they will take care of SUPPORT PHARMACOLOGICAL is had: All the existing drugs in the market for the treatment of any pain? Technology of end in the scope nonpharmacological INTEGRAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT Within the benefits that this area offers this: Adult clinic – Adolescent – Young? Psicodiagnstica evaluation? Psychotherapeutic patient support with oncolgico and nononcolgico pain? Familiar intervention? Intervention in crisis? Familiar mediation Process of duel? Factories for oncolgicos patients and caretakers INFIRMARY DOMICILIARY? Domiciliary attention 24hrs? Doctor, nurse, paramedical, matron? Control of the 24 complications hrs. Of the day? Benefits: To know the means in which the family lives, and to be able to give answer to the problem that represents to maintain an ill or incapacitated person in its address, with all the disadvantages of welfare and organizational type that from them derive, as much for the patient as for its family. Provision of services of integral domicliaria infirmary directed to the patient, the family or caretaker between whom they can be mentioned: Education in prevention of escaras, mobilization of postrados patients, administration of endovenosos, subcutaneous or intramuscular treatments, serum installation, etc. control of complications? Here the video goes PUMPS INTRATECALES. Indicated only in chronic pain electro stimulating. Indicated only in chronic pain nononcolgico POST TREATMENT? It calls daily to his doctor or in any moment if it had an adverse effect? related articles? unloadings Of what the Pressed Radio frequency consists? Original author and source of the article.