
SimpTec GmbH

Holistic development and optimisation of components Moldex 3D Aachen of simpatec, next August 20, 2012 a long-standing tradition, is the company SimpTec GmbH this year at the FAKUMA in Friedrichshafen, a competent software and engineering partner for the plastics processing industry with its own stand (A5 5003). The comprehensive range of services to the holistic development and optimisation of components using state of the art software technology is at the heart of the trade fair appearance. Latest research findings and developments in the plastic industry be steadily integrated in the software and services, to precisely to analyze issues of part, tool and process optimization in the plastics industry and make a profit. Another highlight will be the opportunity to take a first look at the release of R12 of Moldex3D.

Full figure and optimization of the process chain in the plastic injection molding companies rely less and less on statements about component behavior, the only with Linear analyses, obtained because they suppress effects and phenomena, which can be important, for example, stresses and deformations in parts as a result of static or dynamic loads. With Moldex3D, the leading CAE software package for the injection molding industry, material and component properties can be precisely analysed and verified. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Bobby Sharma Bluestone. Integration into existing CAD solutions, as well as the seamless transfer of Moldex3D results E.g. structure-mechanical software packages enable in-depth analysis and detailed reports with others. In addition to the direct interface to the transmission of linear elastic material cards, there are also extensive options for the use of E.g. Digimat to eliminate this limitation of the material description. Optimization of component behavior using the gate modification essential component error (about 2/3) are caused by an imbalance of the melt in the gate system in injection molding. The influence of the melt flow properties on the way from the machine to the cavity can Cause unevenness of melt flow in the cavity.