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The resulting different possibilities of use. So that the users can really use the new features of PDF/A-2, we have expanded our new pdfPilot according to. We present for the first time on the PDF/A Conference and forward to the dialogue with interested users.” The different views of the levels, how she will support PDF/A-2, such as multilingual content in a single PDF file can be summarized and accordingly consider. The user can the levels function easily switch between the English, French and Chinese version, for example, a multilingual manual. Also other information can be delivered in this way and fade out. Building plans, this could be for example the electrical or water supply. To broaden your perception, visit Peter Asaro . The so-called collections support is particularly interesting for the archiving of E-Mails”. Combine with this function, users can in the future several files in a container-PDF”. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Paul Daversa.

Email attachments (in the original as Word files in the archive then PDF/A compliant files) can be separately to the mail text, but United in a collection of PDF/A archive. Thanks to the innovations of PDF/A-2, callas software provides a solution for the PDF/A compliant long-term archiving to those companies who want to use the new part in the future. This will be adopted beginning of 2011. About callas software callas software offers easy ways to address complex challenges in the PDF environment. As innovator of procedures developed and marketed callas PDF technology for publishing, the level of production, document exchange, and the software Document archiving. Callas software supports agencies, publishers and printers is to solve their problems by providing software to the test, correct, and reuse of PDF files for the production of print and electronic publishing. Companies and Government agencies from all over the world trust the future, fully PDF/A compliant archiving solutions by callas software.

In addition the technology from callas is software as programming library (SDK) for developers, the PDFs optimize, validate and correct must. Software vendors like Adobe, Quark, Xerox, and many others have understood the quality and flexibility offer the callas tools, and have integrated it into their own solutions. Callas software supports active international standards and participates in ISO, CIP4, the European color initiative and the Ghent PDF workgroup. Furthermore, callas software is founding member of the PDF/A competence center. The registered office of the company It is located in Berlin.