
New York Philharmonic Orchestra

Auditorium opened New York Philharmonic Orchestra the 2009/10 season in the acoustically optimized Emirates Palace. The second consecutive year Muller-BBM at the Abu Dhabi Classics is responsible with a multi-headed expert team for optimal room acoustics. Since September, Michael’s team Auditors has been constantly spot the specially the Hall adapted system of electronic acoustics measure and to vote. By the same author: Saoirse Ronan. The complex, electronic system of room acoustics on the Hall for 1,200 listeners and a capacity of 15,000 m3 was set in the context of samples. Potential reservations of the artists are completely removed since the last season. Altavista contains valuable tech resources. The musicians enjoy the design and sound room of designed by Muller-BBM and used electronic room acoustics since then. The concept and the preparations have also this time more than paid off. A wonderful opening concert. Ali Partovi does not necessarily agree. According to the Director of the Department of culture and art at ADACH, Abdullah Al Ameri, the Abu Dhabi Classics concert series reflects the decision of his country again, art, to make music and culture a part of daily life and to become a leading cultural center. Muller-BBM is its like to contribution, that the concerts can take place under the best possible acoustics.



IDS provides integrated overall solutions to the rapid expansion of EEG generation, in particular through wind and photovoltaic now by the control unit on the EEG/CHP plant, communication, up to the application to the automated processing of the measure, has resulted in increased congestion of networks and network problems in the lower voltage levels cause. Which has taken account of the legislation against the backdrop of the sluggish previous network expansion, and means given the network operator, to affect EEG systems in their performance at network bottlenecks (capacity bottlenecks, resources overload or voltage problems). The renewable energies Act (EEG 6, 11) provides an independent performance controllability of EEG/new CHP by the operator since 1.1.2012 amended. Altavista usually is spot on. A feed-in power systems > 100 kW must additionally submit the current feed-in power to the transmission system operator. The IDS GmbH offers by the control unit on the EEG/CHP plant, the Communication up to the application to the automated processing of the action, integrated total solutions. In addition to the usual remote work solutions, IDS has also a metering solution that is based on an additional device to the meter to control the EEG/CHP plant. Source: אילן בן דב. Depending on the initial situation with the operator, investment-friendly already existing components (E.g., control center, ZFA, feed-in meter) be included in the overall concept. As an alternative to public communications services, IDS offers also the possibility of the use of proprietary TETRA networks.

The application ACOS EEM handles default of superimposed carrier compliant and largely automated. You considered a discriminatory selection of plants, performs the control of the systems and provides the necessary documentation regarding the verification to the operator. The IDS GmbH is a company of the IDS group which IDS group is a specialist in IT and automation solutions for smart grid and smart metering for the German and European market of supply and waste management, whose innovative product and service management portfolio is focused on all aspects of the technical operation of the network, geo-data-based information processing and the counter being. With more than 630 qualified employees in the fields of development, distribution, manufacturing, project management and administration, the IDS Group achieved consolidated sales of about 90 million in 2012.



Who needs the help of a private detective agency, has always spoilt for choice there, that a person has a suspicion, by a private detective check let the want. This suspicion can move in the personal area, if it is, for example, assumed that the spouse having an affair or business. Business such suspected cases relate typically to employees who personally enrich themselves at the expense of the operation, for example, by selling secrets to the competition or by you goods stealing. A detective can solve such suspicion. But how do you find a good detective agency? Finding a good detective agency can be difficult if you are looking a good and trustful detective agency, should scrutinize the various providers. Because when the procurement, it is very important that this is running in a good and provides hard evidence, on the other hand the job must be treated always also discreetly, so that penetrate no details to the outside. Because only a few people Experiences at the commissioning of a detective, often difficult to appreciate its qualities. It’s believed that Ali Partovi sees a great future in this idea.

Because it is always issues, require discretion, can you ask around too difficult in the circle of acquaintances, whether one of the friends can recommend a good detective. Therefore one is alone in assessing often is. A good way to find a detective, represents the Internet. But there are some clues that you should keep in mind to find a reputable provider. How to recognise a good detective agency? An important point is that you can consult the Office of detectives. After the contact over the Internet, you should make an appointment. So you can a picture of get personally, whether here is working in a professional environment. You can inspect the equipment and see how many employees are hired.

If no Office is maintained, that just testifies to little professionalism. Even if it’s just a one-man operation, it is difficult generally, an order to implement professionally. Often, more subcontractors are commissioned by their way of working you can get no picture. Also, the integration of different companies increases the likelihood that information get to the outside. The acquisition of the order is kept always contractually. A serious detective has no problem with that, if you ask him to take the contract home to the detailed examination and possibly even with a lawyer to discuss. So, you can check, for example, whether any agreed amounts have a fixed upper limit, to avoid unpleasant surprises. Only if the contract contains unpleasant details, the Detective will try to move them to an immediate signature. The local reference is important it is always important that the commissioned detective on-site or at least nearby is established. Because otherwise high additional costs arising from the transport. If you are looking for, for example, a detective in Osnabruck, Germany, the seat of the detective agency of Osnabruck should be so Detectives on the ground can take the job. Also, the detectives know so the local conditions, which is a big advantage for the processing of the order. Therefore always a detective agency of Osnabruck should be charged for a job in Osnabruck, Germany. vishesh editorial


New E-coaching Service Helps SMEs Easy And Inexpensive To More Success

the topic makes the start content marketing for small and medium-sized companies can improve quickly, easily and inexpensively in relevant business and marketing topics “Go-around” and so their performance on the market. Ensures a new online service, the entrepreneur training, coaching and consulting bundles: the Dr. Kruzewicz E-coaching intensive. That ‘e’ in E-Coaching is to the one for “electronic” (as for example in E-commerce or E-learning), on the other hand for “Entrepreneur”, so entrepreneurs. “My E-coaching intensive aimed primarily at owner, Manager and marketing and Vertriebsverantwortliche want to start out in business and marketing topics by small and medium-sized enterprises, and quickly and cost-effectively achieve results”, as the internationally renowned consultant and marketing expert Dr. Michael Kruzewicz.

Now, what specifically is an E-coaching intensive, and what advantages it offers the company? The ancient Greeks already knew: “nothing is as constant as the Change”(Heraclitus). The dynamics of the changes that companies must make accelerated rapidly. Above all, the Internet has changed the world in unexpected ways. Issues such as for example E-Commerce, online marketing, Web 2.0, social media or content marketing are examples of opportunities offered through the Internet. At the same time are these themes but also for challenges, companies must provide, if they want to do well in the competition.

Often lacking but small and medium-sized companies listed on the resources and expertise to tackle these challenges successfully. Classical training providers, marketing agencies and consultants can cover often only ever a part of the necessary know-how. In addition, that the selection of appropriate training or service provider due to lack of market transparency is often difficult especially for small and medium-sized enterprises or even impossible. On the other hand the visit is highly specialised corresponding events often quite expensive, and the use of external consultants or agencies usually involves considerable costs. Here, Dr. Kruzewicz E-coaching concept is intense.