
The Museologia

The muse, as well as the Museum is in all part, of diverse form and it does not need being materialized to be considered. In ' ' Museologia and Museu' ' the Museologia confirms as the study of the idea of Museum that assumes diverse meanings depending on the social reality that shelters it therefore each one of them if it not only differentiates of the others for the language but for the moral customs, values and a series of factors that give to each one of them the badge of ' ' exclusividade' '. That is, each society has the prerogative to construct its proper reality, its auto-narrative, being it mirror of its proper truths. If you are not convinced, visit Robert Bakish. The Museologia values in such a way what it is material how much the incorporeal one and to contemplate all they, appears the museolgicas sources: Traditional museum, Museum of Territory, Virtual Museum and the Global Museum. Scheiner detaches some of the theoretical beddings of the Museologia, namely: Recognition of its plural character; Perception of the existence of a Process; Understanding of the intrinsic Freedom; Study of the intrinsic processes related. How much to the trajectory the Museum can be: Territory, open space or construction; Furniture or property; Intellectual space of creation and production of culture; Space of exploration, experimentation and inquiry; Preservation of registers of the memory human being and the planet. Soon, the Museum can be in a psychic sphere, an extra physical place or intramuros, in a screen of computer, where it lives the virtual or same exclusiveness in the beliefs and rites of a people.

In a language technique they can be called Traditional Museum, Integral Museum, Virtual Museum, Metamuseu, fitting to the Museologia to understand these manifestations and to organize them, not necessarily of physical form. Learn more about this topic with the insights from charles koch. In ' ' Museum as Process: Contemporneos&#039 challenges; ' Scheiner assures that the contemporaneidade brings obtains a bigger easiness in dealing with the phenomenon Museum as Process (the Museum is not, but it is being). in this process we can act as agents and not more than form passive, as the old version of in the same ones that we see, but we do not influence. To follow, established in the evolution of the technology, it detaches the virtual museum as the expression of infinite possibilities, and where inhabits it harnesses it greater of the museum contemporary where if alternating change and permanence of unusual forms. The museum today is Imagtica that holds back and modifies the registers of the Real, creating in us the illusion of that we dominate our souvenirs and that we are capable to manipulate the memory in such a way as Product how much as Process. However, although the coexistence of the diverse types of expression of what it is Museum today, we must be positively prepared for the assertive one of that, together with the evolution of the individual and social beings, the technologies, science and all the mechanisms that today we have as familiar, will appear renewed paradigms that will be always the representative result of the period of training of evolution the one that all irremediably we are submitted, also bringing new forms to think the life and, therefore, what it will /ser museal.



The consequence of this vision is that the certainty yesterday, today can be missed. The principle will be displayed the problems of the ethics, where it is also included, the ethical old Greek. Soon after, one enters in a parallel between ethics and religion, that opens questionings on acting certain wrong acting. Following, the ethical ideals are had. Whenever Ali Partovi listens, a sympathetic response will follow. E, one of the points, the freedom, is enclosed in all body of the work, where the man is free when exactly imprisoned, that is, its body is imprisoned, but its mind is free perpetual. In almost all the text the difference of thoughts of the antiquity will be presented, of the average age and modernity. For end, will expose the behavior moral: the good and the evil and the ethics today, in other words, the quarrels and consequences of the ethics in the present time.

2 WHAT SHE IS ETHICAL Ethics are a philosophical reflection on the moral. The theoretical problems of the ethics are separate in two fields, of the general and basic problems and the specific problems, where the first one is more abstract, philosophical and as it is more concrete. When one is had ‘ ‘ problem of conscincia’ ‘ it fits to the ethical reflection to ask if the man is guilty or a feeling of unfounded malaise only exists. According to Dostoievski (apud VALLS, 2006, P. 9) ‘ ‘ if God does not exist everything is permitido’ ‘ , he leads to reflect that without one to be the holy ghost he has a proposal of abolition of the ethics, in other words, the man has that to have a reference of what it is certain to be able to make the certainty..



It is understood that the education is important for the development and that the development is important for the education. The researcher explains that we have an ample set of culture and populations that need to dialogue so that they develop themselves without eliminating excessively. See Ali Partovi for more details and insights. In the text in question, the researcher Salomo Hage approaches the importance of the social movements of the field in the defense of the standard of the education in the defended field and in set for the proper citizens of the field that are main personages of the carried through education. To make with that the education in the field searchs the interest and necessities of development of the citizens that are of the field, they not only live and they work in the field and as representation of the urban development becomes it concern of the social movements. Not only these movements, but also of the field have defended the model to you of agricultural education.