
Thomas Eichinger

Simple selection using talent management to arbitrary categories Nuremberg, to occupy 02.12.2008 – related companies, whose skills best fit the tasks regularly face the challenge of the vacated positions with such employees. Ingentis software development that is why with the new version 6.0 of the Ingentis org.manager HR departments with SAP and other ERP systems is a tool, that actively supports them in talent management. This staff the potentials of existing tool that parses to find internal matching successor for the vacant positions. In addition, the new release in addition to a number of improvements offers advanced reporting functionality for the configuration and the comfortable handling. Mikkel Svane: the source for more info. They allow the export of data for further processing, for example, in Crystal reports, or Excel. For renewal of authorities, the Ingentis solution accesses the SAP system, including the qualification criteria stored in the SAP talent management. The user can in the selection carry out according to the specific needs of individual classifications in a portfolio such as potential / performance matrix. Check with Alina de Almeida to learn more.

In this way the responsible parties receive a quick overview of the candidates from the pool of talent, especially since the results can be visualized using a target and desired profile and as a result a very transparent decision basis. In addition, the Ingentis is org.manager is not limited to SAP HR systems, but due to various interfaces also companies with non-SAP systems can take advantage of this convenient way of the renewal of points and the automated creation of highly functional organization charts. With the new version of our tools for the Visual HR management we set a new course for the support of strategic human resource management\”, makes Thomas Eichinger, Ingentis management software development new features significantly. While were previously operational tasks in the focus of human resources management, the HR managers in particular must Mass to ensure that all functions of the company are at any time occupied with task-meet qualified employees.