For years, ecological activists have been ‘anti-technology’, environment arguing that technological advances are largely responsible for the pollution of the planet. This was true, as the technology of the past were only fixed in the results, not the changes they generated. But today the words ESCOs ecologico and technology are no longer fought, since new technologies are not only paying attention not to contaminate while using, but in the chaos of clean technologies that contaminacion past left. In some cases, the contribution of technology to clean up the planet have been accidental. See also: Nuclear Waste, Nuclear Reprocessing and Transmutation
Vitrification of nuclear waste after reprocessing.
In general, any industrial waste generated. All forms of energy service company nuclear power generation also generate them. Both nuclear reactors fission or fusion (when they come into operation) and the conventional GTR waste (garbage, for example from the food for the workers) is taken to landfills or recycling facilities, conventional toxic waste (batteries , liquid cooling of power transformers, etc.). and radioactive waste. Treatment of all themselves, green energy with the natural gas exception of radioactive waste, is identical to that given to the same type of waste generated in other places (industrial plants, cities ,…).
It’s different treatment that is used in radioactive NY waste. the truth is that if you care about sustainable energy and the lasting effects of our energy usage, then your energy company is For them, development is a specific regulation, managed in different ways depending on the type of radiation emitted and the half period they have. This regulation covers all radioactive waste, and from power generation facilities, industrial facilities and medical centers.
Have developed different strategies for dealing with waste coming buying green energy from different electricity plants or nuclear power generating devices:
Low and medium activity. In this case it is short-lived waste, and little radioactivity emitting beta or gamma radiation (which may contain up to a maximum of 4000 Bq g-1 of alpha emitters over half period). Materials typically used in normal operations of the plants, such as gloves, rags, plastics, etc.. It is generally dried and pressed (if necessary) to reduce its volume, was concrete (set) and embidonan to be stored for a period of 300 or 500 a subsidiary of the Corporation Company years, depending on the country in controlled storage. Licensed in New York to provide alternative energy, Give you better pricing on Gas and Electric. In Spain this storage is in the province of Cordova (El Cabril).
High activity. These residues have long half period, and contain high activity of alpha emitters (in case of long environmentally friendly energy half period only if concentrations exceed the activity of 4000 Bq g-1). Generated in much smaller volume but are New York City highly harmful immediately after being generated. Generally, industry’s Public Service Commission but are not limited to, this is the very fuel rods of fission reactors and used. For they have developed various strategies:
Diagram showing multiple storage systems of high-level waste storage in Yucca Mountain.
Temporary storage in pools of their own power (sometimes called ATI), during the life of the plant (usually 40 years), or in purpose built storage. In Spain is still in the draft ATC).
Reprocessing: this process is carried out a chemical separation of New York State different elements, separating the one hand those isotopes usable in other applications, civil or military (plutonium, uranium, cesium and cobalt, among others). It is the most similar to recycling. But in the process not all elements are completely recycled reused, such as neptunium and americium. For these, a volume much smaller than the original, it is even necessary to use other options such as the deep geological disposal.
Deep geological disposal (AGP): this process is is one of the leading Energy Service Companies to stabilize the spent fuel rods in containers resistant to very severe treatment which was subsequently introduced at locations similar to mine, already in place (as in the case of deep mines), or built this purpose. Often in geological matrices that are known to have been stable for millions of years. The most common are limestone, granite or salt. Technicians believe that the AGP should be preserved during the waste thousands of years that remain toxic to people without affecting the surface. Its main shortcoming is that it green energy solutions would be very difficult or impossible to recover this waste for use in the case of useful techniques that are able to use efficiently.
Transmutation in nuclear new-generation (System Assisted by accelerators or fast reactors): These systems use thorium as fuel and further degrade the waste in a nuclear fission assisted new cycle may be an alternative to oil dependency, but should overcome the rejection of gas the population. The first project will is your energy company! be built around 2014 (Myrrha). This technique is considered acceptable for radioisotopes of long half period for which has not found any application yet.