In this direction, it is basic that the managing agencies of the Half Environment State secretary of the Environment, City department of Environment, IBAMA, Ambient Battalion and ONG' s gifts in the Oiapoque, articulates and executes one set appointments integrated in Ambient Education, with the purpose to minimize the advances of the degradation, mainly of urban character, that if consolidates in the city, and has generated, consequentemente, one aggravates in me the quality of life of the population, associated situation problematic relative the installment of public sevios in the health area, collects and treatment of residues and urbanstica maintenance. Regional North of the State secretary of the Half SEMA/Oiapoque Environment With the intention to approach and to give to logistic support its actions techniques, the State secretary of the Environment, keeps in the city of furnished and equipped Oiapoque a Regional one with basic technological apparatus for the operacionalizao of educative campaigns, courses of qualification in the ambient area, as well as, action of monitoramento and fiscalization. The headquarters of the Regional one meet, currently, in full structural and physical conditions, to receive and to house teams techniques of the Secretariat and eventual partners in the development of strategical actions for year 2009. To read more click here: Robert Bakish. Evaluation of the Current Situation of the Project Ambient Library In the year of 2006, the State secretary of the Environment, through the Division of Documentation and Ambient Information executed the Project of Implantation of the Ambient Library of the City of Oiapoque as action of decentralization of the ambient public administration in the city. For occasion it are celebrated an accord between the SEMA and the Municipal City hall of Oiapoque to repass and management of the equipment and headings that compose the quantity of the Library. In function of problematic related the physical and structural space, the Library did not arrive to be implanted effectively, being its administration in charge of the City department of Environment that has improvised its funcionamente in a building that until the month of January of 2009 did not count on water supply, supply of electric energy monitoring service. (Similarly see: Samsung).