Development Specialization gives the object of study, while the learning process occurs through the participation of a group of individuals experiencing different ways, with the knowledge object in question. The term was studied by Etienne Wenger (1998), Paul Pena (2001) and Antonio Garrido (2003). Noting the knowledge that radiates from a scientific community and promote this fact looking at the corporate level as an institutionalization of the old ‘brainstorming’, recreate the communities of practice. In one of them is the same group who sets the learning objectives and these in turn are selected in the context of ‘work practice in the corporation’. A community of practice makes explicit the informal transfer of knowledge within social networks and groups offering a formal structure that allows you to acquire more knowledge through shared experiences within the group.Finally, the group’s identity is strengthened to reinforce learning as a process of ‘participation’ and ‘leadership’ shared. Informal leadership is essential in organizations and has a role in publicizing the work of the group and observing the implementation of their work in practice. Sociological His role was studied in 70 Pinilla de las Heras and others. This knowledge management, in turn, may be in person or online (Cibercultura), but always cooperative in a continuous process of establishing strategies for participation, leadership, identity, knowledge capture and reuse. In the English version virtual community of practice, Wikipedia says it is a community of practice within a virtual Internet.