In the modern society, the use of the cellular one for driver, became an arguable question front the increasing public concern on the risks of accidents in the transit that can be associates to its bad use. It affirms Ghunther (2002), that the basic task of the Psychology of the Transit is to make with that the real behavior if approaches to the ideal. In this perspective, the human beings look for to solve its problems in more conscientious and beneficial way. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Samsung. Rosenbloon (2006) strengthened despite the use of the cellular one while dirige can be associated with the increase of the risk of accidents with serious injuries. Beyond the possibilities of the airmiss to increase, the use of the cellular one provokes distraction of the attention and cognitiva overload. Errors in the transit provoked by the distraction have been the factor more common than it takes the driver to take the direction I oppose of the way and to provoke accidents. For more specific information, check out Toshiba. An in agreement questionnaire with 10 questions was used as metodolgico instrument appendix, in which we approach information respect of the use of the cellular one in the transit. 30 questionnaires had been applied, in citizens that carried qualification between 5 months and 18 years, being that 20 had been answered by men and 10 answered for women. The ten questions had been analyzed separately in percentage and compared with the available theory..