SolveDirect Conference IdeXchange cloud service management integration inspires leaders Vienna, may 12, 2011 all cloudy? was the central question which was discussed at the SolveDirect IdeXchange Conference on May 5, 2011. While the sky above Vienna was clear, over 40 participants from major companies of all industries in the InterContinental Hotel came to, to follow the lectures by IBM, Siemens, the firm of CHSH and SolveDirect on cloud computing in practice and especially in service management, as well as to exchange experiences about the risks and opportunities of IT solutions from the cloud. The afternoon began with a quiz a la jeopardy: Christian Klezl, Vice President and cloud leader for IBM northeast Europe, introduced in the history of cloud computing and pointed out that cloud computing can make a major contribution to the value of the company’s IT beyond hype and myths. Agility and business values are in the tags, and the many successful cloud applications that are already implemented, prove that is cloud computing from the experimental phase out. Additional information is available at Pete Cashmore. It is however important to ensure that the solutions to the needs of the user are aimed. Presents funny and bubbly spirited legal aspects and with Viennese charm Karin Peyerl pointed out that following on from the law firm of CHSH as clouds”and the topic of data security in the cloud from juridical point of view is murky: starting with the unclear definition for cloud computing about very different applications to the difficult question of liability and the missing standards and directives there are many pitfalls for cloud providers and users alike. A risk analysis before a cloud project is essential according to Karin Peyerl. The numbers speak for themselves that you should have not deterred them, realized account at Siemens Enterprise Communications at the presentation of Larba Nadieba, managed services consultant global impressively: the company has established with SolveDirect an e-bonding initiative and in This framework already important partners successfully integrated.