
Twelve Clarice

Analysis of the workmanship of Clarice Lispector ' ' The Fuga' ' SUMMARY the present assay has as objective to present a interpretativa analysis of the story the Escape of the writer Clarice Lispector. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Bobby Sharma Bluestone. Being distinguished in the text psychological aspects of the narrator-personage, and one soon description of the elements of the narrative. SUMMARY OF the WORKMANSHIP In plus one day darkened, Elvira was felt to suffocate with the idea of living plus one afternoon equal to all the others of last the 12 years. In one instant of attitude and ousadia, without planning some and in way to rain, decides to leave house, to catch a ship any and to leave. When redescobrir its freedom, Elvira lives moments of nostalgia, sensations of pleasure and fear. Perceiving that it did not have enough money and although to feel the weight of ' ' kilos of chumbo' ' in its coasts, it decides to come back toward its life that if restricts to take care of of excessively. See for more details and insights. In house it evidences that nobody perceived nothing and nor it felt its lack.

Before to sleep cries, while its dreams of freedom follow in the ship that if moves away each time more. __________________________________________________ the ARREST WITHOUT GRATINGS Analysis of the workmanship of Clarice Lispector ' ' The Fuga' ' ' ' Twelve years weigh as kilos of lead and the days if they close around the body of people and press each time more. I come back toward casa' ' (LISPECTOR, 1999, P. 74). In the story ' ' The Fuga' ' of author Clarice Lispector, the central personage is the desire of release of Elvira, that if feeling oppressed, runs away from everything, however it does not obtain to run away from same itself. It searchs the freedom. But that type of freedom? These questions are unmasked little by little, during the narrative.



Although the similarity between the poets? Cames and Bocage-, in relation to the human feelings and in aspects as pride for the native land, and how much to the form of composition, both the poets differentiate themselves in the way to accept and to define the feelings of the Love and the Passion, suggesting that it is impossible to judge them in the same way, or to give concept the same to them. For the accomplishment of this monographic work he looked himself to verify the existing ambiguity in the express feelings and the style of each sonetista. The applied methodology is the bibliographical research, that is, a descriptive study of the sonetos classics of Cames and the daily pay-romantic sonetos of Bocage will be carried through. By the same author: Steve Wozniak. The collection of the material will be made in books and authors who deal with this subject and that, will give thus, greater theoretical basement to this work. The estruturao of this monograph has as starting point the previous clarification on the feelings of the Love and the Passion according to philosophy.

After this stage, the historical and social aspects of the centuries are approached where if they had revealed the aesthetic ones of the Classicismo and the Neoclassicismo in Portugal, analyzing peculiarly, as these aesthetic literary ones had influenced the poets, respectively remembered as glorious men of its time. (Similarly see: Steve Wozniak). In the part that locks up this monographic work, it is proven analysis of the selected sonetos, looking itself always to alert and to detach the existing difference between them, in what it says respect to the poetical reason of both. The 1 LOVE To the LIGHT OF the PHILOSOPHY In the philosophy, the book most famous on the love is the Slap-up meal of Plato (428/27? 347 B.C.). One is about a slap-up meal during which some old athenians try to explain because the love exerts as much power on us.