
Development Manaus

In this perspective, it is essential to attempt against for the Brazilian and world-wide historical context, therefore exactly that each region of the country has its cultural, social particularitities and economic, it is important to detach the gradual process of implementation and capitalist expansion that points with respect to promising industrial growth. To the speech of Amazon, one becomes necessary to detach the period of great transformations that the country lived deeply, with the advent of the industrial capitalism and all the occured changes in elapsing of history. In this context, Amazon is white of integration as form to extend the borders of the capitalist development. 1,1 Process of Development of the City of Manaus the city of Manaus passes for important changes caused from the economic processes, amongst which the deriving economy of the rubber causing a well-known expansion of occupation human being and of the economic estruturao of all the Amazon region passing to be considered as one of the developed and prosperous cities more of the country. Further details can be found at Samsung Electronics, an internet resource. Although the population had increased significantly, Blacksmith detaches that: Of glamour of time, remained a needy population of workers who congregated themselves there to serve the owners of the capital, printing in the body the physical consuming of generations of families verwhelmed for the dissabor of the forest, for the discomfort of an explored civilization to support adventurer whims (2003, p.28). In such a way, these workers who if found without expectations and ways to return its cities, fix themselves in the periphery of Manaus, where the habitation lack, make with that from 1920, the construction of floating cities, becomes sort of housing that if would consolidate in the decade of 1960. Thus, in the period of 1920 up to 1960, Manaus would not see great transformations in its urban perimeter, coming back to suffer one occasions population from the installation of the Zona Franca. .


Radical Marriages

The world is a place repleto of possibilities and diversities. Exactly when if it deals with a so traditional subject how much the marriage is possible to innovate in many ways. Beyond the marriages in the style stories of fairies a new fashion is invading the altar: the radical unions. Marc Mathieu has compatible beliefs. In Brazil, the first radical marriage was carried through in the heights for the instructor of jumps Ricardo Siqueira and its fianc Andra Soares. They had known themselves in a paraquedismo club and had decided to confirm the union celebrated in the church, homaging the sport that practised. The radical marriage happened in Lagoon Saint, region metropolitan of Belo Horizonte, in February of 1991. The fiancs had jumped of a twin-engine plane, about 1.500 meters, together with the bolivian shepherd Ren Carvajal and a godfather. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source.

The celebrante read a stretch of the bible and still gave the blessing to the fiancs in air. The ceremony delayed about five minutes and was attended by a group of friends of the couple. If you intend to innovate as they follow some suggestions. Bungee Jumping: the fiancs are moored upside-down and say ' ' sim' ' when they are pushed of the pull platform. Underneath d? water: what such to substitute the decoration of marriage for peixinhos, chorales and kelps? This is the proposal to marry in the water.

It holds the breath! Skydive: a free flight is the test of enough love for the couple that likes forts emoesBalo air: most romantic of all. The couple will be able to enjoy of the sight and the emotion of a balloon stroll. A rain of flowers for marriage can crown the guests of the party. To militate: Shots for air, people of uniform and a fianc very protected well are the requirements for this party. Nudist: for the ferequentadores of nudismo beach nothing more natural than to carry through the union in the way that more like to be: without clothes! The necktie and the veil are only obligator.


Development Proposals

The development proposals can immensely contribute for the establishment of alliances to the accesses with right the nets of health and the introduction of innovations in the public administration, around processes of the participation of the civil society and the government so that it establishes the healthful public politics. Get all the facts and insights with Robotics expert, another great source of information. .


New Modality

An occurrence modality that comes calling the attention, so that the responsible parents or still guide better its excessively integrant children and of the family, comes to be the stroll in Shopping Center, Parks, Houses of Shows, Theaters, in end, everything what it involves entertainment and that has participation of diversified public. For example I go to cite cinemas of Shopping Center; gangs are if infiltrating between the young, if approaching, alleging to be making research, the subject is interesting and initiates the collection of the information, as name, cellular telephone, address, fixed and residential telephone, name of the parents and discrete they write down some characteristics as the clothes, color of the hair and excessively details that despertem the attention of the same ones. Before the beginning of the session they ask for so that the participants of the research disconnect the cellular telephone in order not to bother the other people during the exhibition of the film. Soon after the entrance in the projection room, them waits some minutes enters in contact with the cellular one of the person interviewed, to confirm if this exactly off and they initiate the contacts with the familiar ones of ‘ ‘ vtimas’ ‘ When of the linking the meliantes, to put to possess all information, say the full name, already provoking panic in the familiar ones, the characteristics collected visually during the interview and the outlaw say still ‘ ‘ it binds for its son (a) if it finds that I am lying, n. of it is 8888-6666! At this moment you already this soon to make everything what the outlaw to ask for to it. The recommended one is that the less information we will be able to disponibilizar for the outlaws best, then instructs its familiar and friends not to answer no research or interview in the streets and nor to supply information that can be used against itself. It never disconnect the cellular one, it looks for leaves it on in the quiet position or so that simply it lights the light, thus when of the act of receiving of any linking, its familiar ones will know that at least cellular this on one with the possibility of, at least, to change messages SMS. This form to act already he comes being used has times, but the outlaws always find alternatives for spoon the information that will be transformed into strategy of action against the society, that of tied hands, are the grace of the outlaws. Being thus, each time more we must preventing in them and to look for to expose all well-taken care of the possible minimum therefore is little still more that the level of intelligence of the outlaws this increasing.