

The GIRL OF from above FLOOR Teo arrived of the work at the 8 of the night. Exausto if played in the sofa. The door was closed for the strong wind that came for the open window of its apartment. Read additional details here: Energy Capital Partners. – Drug, that cold. Unhappy wind. The policy notary closed the window and slept a sleep heavy. He dreamed of an earthquake in the police station. All the prisoners had run away and one cried out: ' ' we will go to catch you face.

We will go you matar' '. It woke up with the curtain of the room beating in its face. The wind had opened the veneziana that is not well closed. ' ' Furaco&#039 only can be one; ' , it thought aturdido. There it are sighted a girl. Its neighbor who finishes to move. She was plus that she moves in little time for that building. ' ' She will be that she is here in the floor on? ' ' The question already had been formulated in its mind more than five times in the last year.

' ' What devils happen with the people who live in this apartment on? ' ' It was to another question. A Teo reply not yet it had until why nor it had time to investigate this. Not even it was its profession, to investigate. It continued looking at for the window. Now it had lowered the glass and it thought as that young woman was risky. To still change with a cold and wind of those and in that apartment that everybody banished. Half zonzo of sleep, after all works twenty and four hours, right-hander and sleeps only one hour, looked at for the clock and saw that it needed to sleep more. – My God, who thing, necessary to sleep. It balanced the head.


Japanese Culture

Nothing of abnormal person. A shunting line of route, nothing more. But who there was seated in a bank, in front of school? Therefore it is. If you have read about altavista already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The proper one. Writing down everything. It looked at intently for the careful, zealous mothers, intent to the movements it goes of it and it comes of the cars disembarking the pupils. It seemed that it was interested in everything what entorno was transferred in its. It wrote down, it wrote down and it wrote down.

The people passed for it with such indifference, as if it did not exist. Ice cream Pipoqueiro, salesman, adolescent namoradinhos, patotinhas arguing. Others with its cellular ones to listen to musics and to send torpedoes. it there. Analyzing and writing. I was surpreso when seeing it, therefore when the first time, its transport called me the attention, its form to dress, the face nothing uncommon. But already it presented some grayish hair.

A simple person. always its luggage and the stand carried that it. CULTURE. Our new meeting if gave in a museum. I noticed that it had certain delay in the line, for acquisition of the ingressions. the cause was one gentleman, of which we are speaking. It insisted on entering in the dependences of the establishment, with its stand that carried a luggage. After very talking, common-sense prevailed. The luggage and the stand would be in the secretariat of the museum. In the interior the museum, was it of ownership of a notebook and a penxs there. It stopped faces to the pictures. It was moved away, however for the right, however for the left. It came back if to approach and it wrote down something. It was a itinerante exposition of Art and Japanese Culture, So that if it can enjoy of that exposition, probably one person, would take something as 90 minutes. Already it had practically covered all the halls and for curiosity before leaving, I looked to the such Sir.


The Behavior

Canova understood that this age a signal negative. When a dumb woman total the behavior, or is having a case with another person, or goes to make you to wake up in a bathtub with water, without the kidneys. It tried to find an excuse ragged to finish namoro, but he did not obtain. She played all the fiches in improvisation and was of meeting with Norah. ' ' You are atrasado.' ' , Norah said, as soon as Canova entered in the room of the hotel. ' ' But today and night goes to be nossa.' ' , when saying this, as in a magician pass, if exempted of the clothes parts and jumped on Canova.

' ' We go with calm. Necessary to talk with voc.' ' , Canova said. ' ' Everything this is strange ' ' ' ' Shh.' ' , Norah placed the finger in the mouth of Canova, so that it was in silence. ' ' I also have something for you. But I am not speaking of conversas.' ' They had made love loucamente. Canova compensated all lack of corporal beauty with an impressive sexual technique. Norah started to whisper things in the ear of Canova during the sex. See Dermot McCormack for more details and insights. It did not obtain to give attention in that it whispered.

For it, the sex is a sacred moment. Its mother taught always it that hour to eat is sacred hour. After some hours? eight hours, to be accurate? , the couple finally could talk: ' ' Necessary that you help me to sabotage the new campaign of empresa.' ' , it said Norah, suddenly. ' ' What do you mean? ' ' , it was frightened. ' ' You were insane person? ' ' ' ' He is seeing this? ' ' , Norah asked, pointing with respect to the cellular telephone. ' ' Yes, but ' ' ' ' My cellular one is repleto of numbers of the women prettiest of the city.