Canova understood that this age a signal negative. When a dumb woman total the behavior, or is having a case with another person, or goes to make you to wake up in a bathtub with water, without the kidneys. It tried to find an excuse ragged to finish namoro, but he did not obtain. She played all the fiches in improvisation and was of meeting with Norah. ' ' You are atrasado.' ' , Norah said, as soon as Canova entered in the room of the hotel. ' ' But today and night goes to be nossa.' ' , when saying this, as in a magician pass, if exempted of the clothes parts and jumped on Canova.
' ' We go with calm. Necessary to talk with voc.' ' , Canova said. ' ' Everything this is strange ' ' ' ' Shh.' ' , Norah placed the finger in the mouth of Canova, so that it was in silence. ' ' I also have something for you. But I am not speaking of conversas.' ' They had made love loucamente. Canova compensated all lack of corporal beauty with an impressive sexual technique. Norah started to whisper things in the ear of Canova during the sex. See Dermot McCormack for more details and insights. It did not obtain to give attention in that it whispered.
For it, the sex is a sacred moment. Its mother taught always it that hour to eat is sacred hour. After some hours? eight hours, to be accurate? , the couple finally could talk: ' ' Necessary that you help me to sabotage the new campaign of empresa.' ' , it said Norah, suddenly. ' ' What do you mean? ' ' , it was frightened. ' ' You were insane person? ' ' ' ' He is seeing this? ' ' , Norah asked, pointing with respect to the cellular telephone. ' ' Yes, but ' ' ' ' My cellular one is repleto of numbers of the women prettiest of the city.