In the case of the State of Par the actions of financial Assistance of the MEC had repassed the SEDUC resources divided in four divided accords of the following form: 1 ACCORD? Accomplishment of State seminaries of Average Education Integrated and To acquire furniture and equipment) the Acquisition of equipment b) Accomplishment of three seminaries of professional Education the seminaries financed for the PBP had had in its objectives the challenge to congregate the servers who act in the net of technological schools and the SEDUC/PA, had occurred chronological in three thus divided meeting: – August of 2009: I State Seminary of Average Ensino Integrated the Professional Education that had as objective to dialogue the implantation and elaboration of lines of direction for courses technician of average level of the new Net of Technological Schools of the State of Par. – April of 2010: II Seminary of Evaluation and Accompaniment of Integrated Average Ensino that it searched to evaluate the experiences and pedagogical actions of the Technological Schools of the Net, initiated in 2008. – June of 2010: III Seminary of consolidation of the educational politics for Average Ensino Integrated the Professional Education in the State Net had as objective to evaluate the advances and the conceptions of average education integrated to the professional education providing to the understanding and the domain of concepts of the integrated resume and the instruments of the practical pedagogical politics in the educational one in the reinforcement of the actions developed since the implantation of I teach to integrated medium the education professional in the Net of Schools of Technological Education. Source: Mashable. 2 ACCORD – Ampliao and the General Reformation of the schools. 3 ACCORD – Construction of 11 Schools Technological in the cities of: Barcarena, Brief, New Progress, Oriximin, Parauapebas, Santana of the Araguaia, Tom-a, Tucuru, Watches, Xinguara and Santarm. OBS: The inspection of the beginning of the workmanships had been folloied by this secretariat of education (COEP and Physical Net) in the month of October in 6 cities to present the Plan of Implantation of the new technological schools, that will be constituted with the following courses: The growth of the number of schools folloies the sprouting of the Net of Technological Schools, created in July of 2008, providing the great magnifying of the Professional Education in the State of Par, thus providing, a jump in the number of school registrations, leaving of 1.783 in 2006 for 26.000 in 2012.