In this direction, as it affirms Brave (2007), the knowledge of Systems of Information is essential in the creation of competitive companies and the management of global corporations. The way as is projected and disponibilizados productive systems, they are basic for the disponibilizao of services that the society values. The Technology of the Information (YOU) as joint of dedicated not human resources to the storage, processing and communication of the information, related to the way as these resources are organized in a system capable to execute a task set library, apiam the otimizao of processes. After all, the objective of the Companies and Organizations is to adequately conjugate human resources, natural and financial in the intention to generate wealth in the good production and rendering of services, and thus to promote the development and welfare of the society where if it inserts (Chiavaneto, 2000). Thus, when we speak in computerization process it does not mean only acquisition of equipment and softwares. It means much more.
A process of necessary computerization, above all, as it affirms Souki and Zambalde (2003), to base itself on the paper of the administration, who must identify, get and co-ordinate necessary resources, so that preset goals are reached objective and, considering the inherent functions to the administrative proceeding, such as: the planning, the organization, the direction and the control. To opt to the use and Free development of Softwares, reflects the interest in the promotion of the efficiency, decurrent of technological independence and supplier, beyond the rationalization of the applied resources, without loss of the quality of the services. Moreover, it institutes a process that not if of only for the mere substitution of procedures technician, therefore, it demands, not only a new conception of the work environment, instituting a change in the administrative philosophy of companies. 2.Porque free software? For who not yet it dominates the term, ' ' Livre' software; ' if it relates to the freedom of the users to execute, to copy, to distribute, to study, to modify and to perfect softwares.