
Traditional Geography

For it could not exist bond between the geographic thought and the defense of interests politicians. In its studies he concluded that the way exerted influences on the man and that the man also could exert it influences on the way from techniques and capital for this, with this idea appears the Possibilismo, characteristic of this School. It did not leave of side that Geography was a science of the places and not of the men. It always valued the works of field and the development of the regional studies, considering the Region as the support that the man uses to survive and to organize itself in the terrestrial space. Woollen Paul Vidal Blache standed out the importance of the method as defining factor of geography. It also recognized the importance of the generalization, the laws and the explanation. After World War II, the descriptive monographs in geography (inherited of the woollen thought Blache) were not enougher, appeared the Rationalism, that repudiated all Metaphysical type, as the subjetivismo, the will and the intuition of the spirit, privileging more the deductive reasoning. Two authors if had detached at this time, Alfred Hettner (German) and Richard Hartshorne (North American).

Hettner was one of the great gegrafos German, had a great concern that was come back toward the nature of the geographic knowledge, for it the Geography was a science of the space that analyzes the causes of the differentiations of the portions of the surface of the Land, being, at the same time a natural science and human being and always had a concern of ecological character, analyzing the action of the man on the nature. Hettner considers Geography approaching a rational search of the third way for the geographic analysis, that was not the determinismo and the geographic possibilismo. With these same concepts of hittner, Hartshorne introduces this thought in the United States, developed good more of what of a its predecessor, thus obtaining joint between Regional Geography and General Geography. In Geography Regional or Idiogrfica its thought was of that the more deep the analysis, greater the local knowledge of reality. The phenomena vary of place the place and its Inter-relations also vary. The elements possess internal and external relations to area.

In Geography Geral or Nomottica its thought was of that how much bigger the simplicity of the related phenomena, bigger the generalization possibility. Nomottica Geography opened new sources in perspective the Geographic study speeding the regional study and creating of planning and disgnostic. Hatshorne uses the concept of Kant, that is, for it the space in itself does not exist, what it exists are the phenomena that if materialize in this referencial. Here, space and time are rejected. The author, although not to breach with the traditional thought, already represented a transistion paper. Traditional Geography left an elaborated science and systemize knowledge. It left beddings, with a delimited field, articulating one disciplines autonomous worker. It left a rich Empirical quantity and critical techniques that make possible an advance in the elaboration of concepts and that had stimulated the transistion between Traditional Geography and its renewal.