The mountain is at the conjunction of the Izu-Bonin arc-Mariana arc and northeastern Japan. The mountain is composed of mafic and without alkaline volcanic pyroclastic rocks dating from the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The main rock type is andesite and dacite.
It is a stratovolcano with two craters, which is within the horseshoe-shaped remnant of another stratovolcano oldest, which was destroyed during an eruption about 20,000 years ago, in the late Pleistocene.
Scientists from Tokyo University and Nagoya University performed the first successful experiment andalusia virtual interior of the volcano in April 2007. With a detector of about 4000 cm2, which mediates the uptake of different ways of muons (subatomic particles) from cosmic rays, it was possible to deduce the distribution of densities within the forest. So the scientists were able to generate a three dimensional diagram of the interior of the volcano, with a depth of a few hundred meters below the crater.
Alongside this there is a volcanic observatory of the University of Tokyo .
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