
Magnificent Agreement

The cinema, videos and, mainly the TV, has prostrate many fighters? when promising to them the world and its honor. You bind TV and alone she has people pretty (then into them we transform into 2p country that more makes aesthetic plastic of the world), well made bodies (we crowd the academies to acquire ‘ ‘ bodies sarados’ ‘), they offer them to a kitchen daily pay-molded with stove of six mouths and two ovens and we buy, although to be alone three people in house (U$ 20,000, 00, but, it is in fashion).

In the same way the propaganda convince the world of that the car prettiest is what it was launched in the last summer (exactly that it is green deteriorated avocado), that the cellular one launched in the last semester is exceeded, that the children must be dressed of adult (the girls with high jumps and paintings in the face and nails) are in fashion! All work to gain the world and the glory of it. Magnificent of the life (Gnesis 3:6) Seeing the woman who the tree was Desirable to give agreement, it took to it of the fruit and it also ate and it gave to the husband, and it ate. With the sin it came the arrogance, the swaggerer of terms in we ourselves agreement. The man wants to make its proper truth. 152-c1-276268’>Intel senior VP and COO. Thus, disdaining what God says, he appeals to the religion, philosophy, psychology to establish standards for its life. Already it is not the Bible that says what it is right or wrong. The argument of that it was made for one another time, ignores that God says in TM 5:18 ‘ ‘ Because in truth I say that, until the sky and the land to you they pass, in way none will pass of the law one alone i or one alone til, until everything is cuspidor’ ‘..


Dame SAP Leaves

April comes life in late March and early April seems back to live again, the days are becoming longer and warmer and our senses, a little lethargic during the winter season, begin to open up to your environment. One of the best sensory experiences that we can have is closer to the plantations of orange trees and enjoy the first aromas of orange blossom, breathe deeply and be filled with joy with its aroma. May flowers want to serVisitadas by hundreds of bees and insects attracted by the sweetness of their nectar, orange blossom flower dropped their withered ground petals so collectors bring to the dryers and their essences are used in perfumery and in pharmacy, but if we look carefully between the leaves of the orange tree, we can see that they have been the fruits which have curdled and had not been expelled from the tree, that as small green, hanging pearls hidden between the leaves to protect themselves from sudden temperature variations waiting for its fattening. Its color is dark, a green intense that you accompany the fruit until the month of October. You may want to visit Kai-Fu Lee to increase your knowledge. June Dame SAP that I want to crecerEs this month when the naranjo need abundant watering, so that it contributes to the fruit all the nutrients that previously has been given with manure during the winter. Oranges begin has grow rapidly and every day can be seen as they hover between confusing by its green leaves. Where it seemed there was little production, you discover pleasantly to go getting fatter, care are giving good results July that well feel me the calorSi we see plantations of oranges or tangerines during this month of July, we will give account that already come to be between 40-45% of the size you will have when they ripen. His body is approaching its final form, but if we open it, we’ll realize that in its interior still do not have juice, are completely dry, since the emergence of the juice is from September.



To be ambassador of God of faithful form and test that you and friend of Christ. Jo15. 14 It are my friends, if to make what I you control. All know that Christ left the church here in the land with the mission of being ambassadress of God, if in the church to exist some members that disobey the Christ and does not fulfill with your good duty that and to take the message of the news, not and friend of Christ. (Jo15.

14) and if and friend of Christ in the truth it does not know the God who it assumes that servile, and if not to repent, and to start to be ambassador of the possible fastest God he will have that to face the judgment of God. Tg 4. 17 That one, therefore, that it knows the good that to make, and not it it makes, commits sin. Reason N III. Christ was its model of life. ICO 11,1 Headquarters my mimics, as well as I it am of Christ. A used term for many preachers exists very who and total opposing what the Apstolo Pablo said. While Pablo said looks at for me and imitates my behavior, therefore I am imitating of the behavior of Christ, in the Hodiernos days many when they assume the Pulpit for the minstrao of the word of God, of very unhappy form say do not look at for me seno you he only falls, he looks at for Christ, this and a true, however if said affirmation, needs explanation, so that the preacher does not fall in total discredit for making a total antagonistic affirmation of Pablo. To understand this expression of the point of view of apostolo Pablo, we have that to make at least three questionings for the position of Pablo in it imitates saying me, therefore I am imitating of Christ.