
First Contact with the 3G IPhone, Neodata

I had the opportunity to take my hands and try the iPhone 3G, my disappointment was complete, I do not malinterpreteis, the iPhone is a mobile since its first version has been very good even taking account deficits, and the market has been set at him, and even have copied, has been the motive that has simplified things in other phones were a somewhat more complex, which is why I think the iPhone has been the revolution in the world of mobile telephony. . You can read the rest of history in Ipodizados


Telefonica Says That Mexico Has “obvious Delays” in Services Telecommunications

The vice president of the Foundation Telefonica, Javier Nadal said today that Mexico has “obvious delays” in the penetration of telecommunications services, thus improving the conditions of competition will be an opportunity for all.


Frappuccino and Vlogs: an Afternoon with People from Starbucks

It was yesterday, was very entertaining, as it could not be otherwise and was part of a first contact the company YKS newly landed in Spain to meet with bloggers and thus create a network for future calls.

Among the actions carried out, Starbucks has created a promotional video that has received nearly 245,000 visits. The filmmaker is the same Roger Casas-Alatriste and yesterday we had the opportunity to meet the actress who starred as:

Moreover, the time spent flying, taking a Frappuccino and a great tasting cake, surrounded by people known and others to know. Good and timely experience: what’s going Frappuccino with ideal summer.

And a small sum, with the ambience of the call:


Atril Refrigerated Nox Boreas

Following the launch of refrigerated lectern Sirocco, this manufacturer presents Nox Boreas, a lectern-cooled aluminum laptop, 15 and 17-inch offering a sleek and innovative. His great power is given by the cooling fans 3 which incorporates 80mm Boreas 17? and 2 fans 70mm model Boreas 15?. In addition, both working at a very low noise level.