
The Author

They had had the possibility to lie down themselves in the soil and to again try to be child. To come back to learn. ' ' In the arteterapia the established values are differentiated, do not matter what I make, but as I make and what I feel from what I construct. The beauty is not in the panel of is, but of the scene of inside, in the act to create, where the value of the experiment meets in what faz&#039 is felt and in the representation of the object for who; ' (grifo of the author; PAESANTE, 2008 p.23). Attention called me it as if they had allowed to the delivery, despite in the first meeting. They very told strong things for the beginning of a work.

But some were contained in its speak, but the great majority if displayed with much easiness, bringing facts of infancy that had marked all a life of pain and overload. In ' ' Mine vida' ' , the worked subjects had been: Bows of the life; Transforming with the hands, and the precious Gift. The used materials had been bows of ribbon of colors and varied forms, periodical, glue, bristol board, shears, pencil of color and wax chalk. In these workshops, they had dived more in the personal questions. The souvenirs of phases that had marked the life had been brought and shared in the group: ' ' I very felt me happy in being able to speak, I feel myself well when I can relieve and to be ouvida' '. Sensations were arising: ' ' I felt me wanting to create something, not wise person as, therefore never I made nothing similar. I find that it is all party, to pieces, but my intention was to make everything certinho; ' ' I am feeling a person finding, me capable, making what never I made in my life, trying to make what valley pena' '.


The Ethics

Ethical Descriptive describes the moral phenomena; d.2) ethical Normative – the rational justification of the moral looks for; d.3) ethical goal reflects on the methods and the language used for the proper Ethics. e) we understand for ethics as being the reflection on moral or as the part of the philosophy that if occupies in questioning the set of norms and moral rules of one determined society. (RASP, 2005, P. 40). The Ethics are the dialectic that foments the quarrel and the philosophical thought of what it is moral, of what is rule for the society and puts in quarrel to the prxis of these rules and these values.

It does not summarize itself only to a set of rules; she is before everything the acquisition of habits and attitudes that if convert into a proper way to live. It is the result that if wants with the education of values, that is, is the autonomy reached for the man that it launches hand of the moral values that eticamente it eticamente possesss for locating itself ahead of the facts. The ethical thought is the conscientious reflection of the moral, that is, of the set of rules that the person possesss. The individual is educated and displayed to the rules of good behavior and the judgments of value, cultivated by its social group, but it fits to establish what it he will be useful for its full development. Therefore the education of values is something that always needs to be rethink and to be argued, for not being a static education, but dynamic in the direction of that to each new generation values and dismissed some other front to the necessities of the effective society are aggregates new and these changes they are consequence of the ethical reflections that the human beings carry through, supported for a theory humanist that the welfare aims at of the man and it brings it for the center of these same reflections, in looks for of if finding the ways of its complete accomplishment.


The Future

Venezuela, Brazil, Autonomous Communities in Spain and Extremadura also participate very actively in the free software movement while using tools in educational settings in the community and the development and improvement of free software tools for use public and private. At present there is one user who has browsed the internet without having to do with free software to some extent since it is both the rise of the use of free software at the enterprise level that the vast majority of websites are scheduled to php language a language which is released under the GNU GPL or run on an Apache web server that has become the right choice for anyone looking for an agile and dynamic server, provided accessible and very short reset periods, also a GNU GPL tool. GNU / Linux is in part due to its portability the option of choice to install routers, cell phones and computers with new hardware on which it is no longer possible to run modern software.

Linux’s modular architecture enables the system to adapt to the hardware of the machine by turning off unnecessary services to boot allowing optimization of processes and peak performance. a The Future of Free Software in Brazil’s presidential election were performed and used free software in the voting system had to allow inspectors from all political parties to inspect the software code to eliminate any fraudulent practices. I wonder how many electoral fraud have occurred because of manipulation of code in all those countries that use a proprietary system which only can see who programmed and / or modify it. It is urgent that the use of free software extends I played for more than six years as administrator of Linux systems and micro.