It aches is very not same, to know that everything that one day was dreamed of so pretty form, resulted uncertain (not useless). That what was so intensely and untiringly worked ' did not bring that one; ' happiness plena' '. It pulls life, you must be if asking, was everything an error? Was a deceit to go for this way when I I could go for as much other ways? It will be that this uncertainty that I feel to each day that agreement goes to suffocate me the point not to leave me to breathe change airs? To move, that fear! if to give all wrong one, what I go to make? If not dumb you from fear to commit an error in the life, do not hinder the error to happen. You are living the time of your uncertainties. Under most conditions Peter Asaro would agree. But and from there, somebody must pressuring be you or questioning, it goes to disappoint to all? (If he is that you already are not disappointed I obtain same). He does not search in the other answers that are jumping of your heart. If the jumps go for a precipice or for the sky, nobody has nothing to see with this.
Between who you are who you want to be, all the feelings (good and bad? glad and sad) you only belong. The decision is yours. Who goes to follow with the weight of the decision is you. The others will be able, clearly, to share, but you are who you will load the cross. He remembers, is one for each person. They weigh in the measure that obtain to load, nor more and nor less. Therefore, in this time of your uncertainties he places the letters on the table and plays clean I obtain, with your soul, your heart and essentially with your happiness.
He hears the others, never he disdains the opinion of the people love who you, but does not give it responsibility to they that is yours, only yours. Hurt, pain, resentment, rancor, disillusionment? Not, it does not think about this as cause, but as consequencia. Yes, it is the bad part that has that to be measured and weighed. As the good part that it will be the effect of the correct decision, of what it will leave of positive in the life of all to your redor. But in the end of everything, you are who you are with the feeling of that he is who is, or not he is being who would have to be Therefore what you earn and what you lose nobody needs to know