Investigations realised by Jose A. of Laburu S.J. Go to movie star for more information. ; priest and doctor Basque Jesuit. Laburu father says to us that the conduct of the man, or its behavior, is a product, resultant of mltipes factors that include two fundamental groups: organic biological and psychic the psychic one. Each group is integrated by subfactors.
In organic the biological one, we found the following subfactors: the central nervous system, the vegetative nervous system, the glandular internal secretion system, cellular metabolic processes, cellular and humoral ionic modifications. The psychic psychic group, the subfactors of sensations, associations, memories, imaginations, affections, experiences, intelecciones, volitions enter and whichever conscious or unconscious psychic facts are in I. The resulting product of the interaction of all the somatic-psychic factors of an individual, is the one that determines its behavior or its conduct. The biological factor plus the psychic factor is equal to present Conduct. In the will it is the rudder that governs and governs the course of the behavior of the man.
But that power of the will, does not include everything, since factors exist on which no influence can exert. What influences can exert the Will in the organic factors that take part in the conduct of the man. The biological factors that can influence in the conduct of the man, can be genotpicos and paratpicos. The genotpicos are those that come by paternal or maternal hereditary route. These factors are endogenous (that are born from the interior). The paratpicos: they are the acquired biological factors in decurso of the life, as much uterine, as after the born being. In the Section " Salud" you will find articles of verified quality, related to " the power of the mind and the care of cuerpo" ; to others of other subjects, for a personal and spiritual growth. Original author and source of the article.