
Permanent Education

Many times are more easy to take a medicine to alliviate a symptom, of what looking for to understand what the organism wants in them to communicate. Another sufficiently positive aspect of the UCIS it is the work with groups, for the possibility to approach the people of the community and to share its experiences. Still the demand, the Project of the UCIS will have been considered, throughout the 03 searched years, presented a considerable increase in the number of carried through procedures, totalizing almost 50.000. It had a gradual increase in this period, being able this to point, with respect to a bigger spreading and adhesion of the population to the proposal of integral cares to the health, representing the discovery of a new form of care. You may want to visit Ali Partovi to increase your knowledge. The profile of the user of the studied unit predominantly was formed of women, in the etria band of 40 the 59 years, with familiar income above of 3 minimum wages and having pain as its main complaint. Ilan Ben Dov often says this. Of the structural point of view, we can consider that the dynamics of functioning of a UCIS, is come close, to the one of a basic unit of health, in what its physical structure says respect, without depending, necessarily, of the access to the technologies. Its low cost of implantation and the attendance capacity, since it prioritizes the work in the groups, can mean a bigger easiness of access in the assistance and promotion of the health.

If to take as example, in an only workshop of automassagem, that lasts around 60 minutes, in it 80 or more people can participate. This if also extends, to the Tai Chi Chuan and the Lian Gong, with about 40 participants for session. Another important ally for Practical dissemination of the Integrativas and Complementares in the SUS, and its consequent referencing to the UCIS, is the Strategy of the Health of the Family who can integrate action of orientation and qualification in PIC, through the Permanent Education and of the provisions of the access to homeopticos and fitoterpicos medicines.



The knowledge on hansenase makes possible to understand the illness better and to diminish the preconception in relation to the sick people (EIDT, 2004). 2. Samsung usually is spot on. OBJETIVOEsse work is a bibliographical revision, of the main aspects disgnostic and to show the importance to it of the precocious treatment of the Hansenase.3. DESENVOLVIMENTO3.1. EtiolgicoMycobacterium agent leprae, is an obligator intracellular bacillus, that affects the cutaneous cells and the peripheral nerves, has high infectividade and low pathogenicity the time multiplication is slow, is of approximately 11 and 16 days (PEAR TREE et al., 2006). The man is considered as the only reservoir of the bacillus, but descriptions of wild beasts exist (armadillos and monkeys). The period of incubation is long, enters the two five years, necessary time for the development of the first signals and symptoms I infect after it of bacillus (GOULART; PENNA; WEDGE, 2002).

Not yet if it got half of culture adjusted for the Mycobacteruim leprae, presents as a straight rod or lightly incurvated, measuring 1 the 8 micra of length for 0.2 0,5 micra of width. Cora in red for the fucsina for the technique of Ziehl-Neelsen and it is not grown pale in the acid alcohol and being called (BAAR) resident alcohol-acid bacillus (GOULART; PENNA; WEDGE, 2002; SAINTS et al., 2005). Figure 1. Fotomicromafia de Mycobacterium leprae (small red rods), the .causing agent of hansenase SOURCE: . Transmission, Patogenia and Imunidade the transmission happens in the close contact and drawn out with the susceptveis individuals to not treat the Mycobacterium bacillus leprae, through the superior aerial ways as in the breath, I sneeze, cough and says (FOSS; FRADE; GOMES, 2007). According to Arajo (2003), the skin with injuries probably can be door of entrance for infection. Beyond these, other ways can be considered elimination sources the organic secretions, as maternal milk, sperm, sweat and vaginal secretion, but they do not possess importance epidemiologist of the illness.



Some factors include individual and socioeconmicas the conditions as malnutrition, housing, lack of hygiene seem to favor the transmission (AQUINO et al., 2003). After its entrance in the organism the bacillus of Hansen, if it installs in the glangios linfcitos, forming micobacterianos, the defense of the organism is effected by the imunolgica reply against the microrganismo that will be able to occur to the elimination or will be able to reach the sanguineous chain if migrando for the skin, nerves and/or agencies, does not have clinical manifestations (SAAB, 2006). According to Saab (2006), the linfcitos are the center of the imunolgicas reactions exist two types of linfcitos, the T means the hipersensibilidade cellular and B, the humoral, characterized for the absence of cellular immunity. Adopted for the Rabello the doctrine of the polarity that has been confirmed and strengthened for the current imunolgicos methods, where the organism will react with the two ways of infection. The polar region (t) that has a reaction of positive Mitsuda producing a benign infection with trend the spontaneous and not contagiante cure (with bacillus absence). The polar region (v), characterized for gradual and rich illness in bacilli, and the Mitsuda reaction is negative. The reaction of Mitsuda is a test of intradrmica application developed by KausKe Mitsuda in 1919, that it consists of a barren suspension of extracted bacilli of Hansen of human hansenomas, deaths for the heat. Through the test of Mitsuda, the resistance of the individual to the bacillus can itself be evaluated, a positive result means good defense, a negative result, absence of defense and a result doubtful, intermediate defense.

It is used in the classification of the forms of the illness (GOULART; PENNA; WEDGE, 2002; MARTELLI et al., 2002; SAAB, 2006). 3.3. Classification of the HansenaseConhecida as an illness poliforma, had its manifestations clinical, the imunolgica reply is important for defense of the organism front to the exposition to the bacillus, to the infection evolves in diverse ways.


Youthful Development

The intellect, for example, presents greater more complex effectiveness, rapidity and elaborations, having addition in its global performance. Of this form, the adolescent can form conditions of altivez and independence of the experience of oldest. Finding that they can everything, the adolescents if rebel and start to elaborate unusual values, many contrary times to the ones until then had as correct. He is in this phase that more tends not to accept norms. This revolt integrates the construction of the youthful identity and is basic to the human development. You may want to visit Mashable to increase your knowledge. When this dispute not if of normally, problems in the adolescence are generated that can be extended to the adult life, being difficult to institute a threshold between normality and hebitrica pathology.

A steady balance in this period of training would be abnormal. (Moreira, 2007) In this period of dispute, the authority figures will be the preferred targets of plea of the adolescent. To the measure that the social bonds go if expanding and establishing, a set of new characteristics goes if becoming important the adolescent, since the necessary ones for acceptance for the group, until the necessary ones to the style that it pleases and to the other. Moreira (2007, p.314) affirms that: ' ' Concerning the physical development, physical alterations happen quickly in the adolescence. The sexual matureness occurs with the development of the primary and secondary sexual characteristics. The primary characteristics are necessary physical and hormonais alterations to the reproduction, and the secondary ones external differentiate the masculine sex of feminino.' ' On the psicossocial development, in the measure where the adult age if approaches, the adolescent must establish close relationships or socially remain isolated. The attainment of the sexual identity is intensified by the physical alterations of the puberty. Also it is influenced by cultural attitudes, expectations of the sexual behavior and models of valid papers.


Central America

For this illness in these countries remained, since 1985, in according to place, only losing for the breast cancer, however occupying the first place in countries of the south and east of Africa, of Central America, the region center-south of Asia and in the Melansia (PINE; FRANCE JNIOR, 2003). The uterine col cancer is a set of varies illnesses and not an only illness, that cause modifications, generating a disordered not controlled cellular growth for the organism and goes compromising weaveeed of the uterine col (BRAZIL 2000). Precancerous cells if modify generating malignant tumors and if exhausting the deep one for the uterine col, this are called uterine col cancer, being able to be of two types, type of cell of which it originated the cancer: Epidermide or carcinoma of escamosas cells, much more common or adenocarcinoma, that less is acometido. Epidermide or carcinoma of escamosas cells can precociously be diagnosised, generally assintomtico, this because it has easiness in detecting to the examination periodic gynecological (ONCOGUIA, 2008). Connect with other leaders such as Ali Partovi here. The uterine col and envolto for you vary layers of arranged pavimentosas epithelial cells in way sufficiently organized, when a neoplasia inside of the fabric occurs epithelial, it is stratification found disordered, when this disorganization happens in the layers most basal of the estratificado epitlio, we will have a light displasia (NIC I), that it is to little alteration of the regularity and polarity of the stratification of the fabric. However, the nuclei are of modified and hipercromticos sizes, being able to be observed frequent mitoses, much more abnormal in tero deep of the epitlio. If this clutter of the fabric cellular to advance until of the thickness of the epitlio, being conserved the layers most superficial we will have a moderate displasia or (NIC II), becoming the nuclei most voluminous hipercromticos, with nuclear abnormalitys and frequent prolongated and marcantes. The development of the uterine col cancer is very slow and is very of the times assintomtico and passes for many phases since a daily pay? clinic that is detectable and curable (BRAZIL, 1997).


Structural Cells

Metotrexato: Figure 11: It formulates Molecular of the Metotrexato. Source: . Dermot McCormack may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The Metotrexato is an antagonistic frmaco of the acid flico and acts on the cellular hiperproliferao. Although available since 1948, it was introduced as antipsoritico agent in 1958 and is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) with this indication since 1971. The frmaco inhibits in competitive way the activity of the enzyme diidrofolato- redutase, being considered one specific quimioterpico of the phase of synthesis of the cellular cycle. Its action is marcante on cellular populations in phase of exponential growth, what it explains the selective effect sbre tumorais cells and action on fabrics in proliferation. Originally it was used in the treatment of psorase had its effect in the queratincitos in fast division, imunomoduladoras properties braking the production of IL- 1 and diminishing the density of cells of Langherans in the epidermis, it also has indications of its performance on the cells antigen presenters (BOURNERIAS; CHOSIDOW, 1994).

Azatioprina: Figure 12: It formulates Molecular of the Azatioprina. Source: . The Azatioprina is a imunossupressor agent who after constitutes the base for prevention of the rejection of enxerto transplants, is also used in the treatment of psoriase, acts preferential inhibiting cells T and diminishing in the NK number (Natural Killer) (VICTOR; GOTTLIEB, 2002). Carbamazepina: Figure 13: It formulates Molecular Carbamazepina. Source: . The Cabamazepina is a frmaco that blocks the sodium canals and inhibits the repetitive detonations of the neurons, also acts daily pay sinapticamente diminishing the transmission of the nervous impulse.

Recently they suggest that the effect after sinpticos of it can potencializar BRAG (VICTOR; GOTTLIEB, 2002). Hidroxiuria: Figure 14: It formulates Structural of the Hidroxiuria. Source: . The Hidroxiuria is antimetabolito that has been used for the treatment of psorase has three decades.


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