Metotrexato: Figure 11: It formulates Molecular of the Metotrexato. Source: . Dermot McCormack may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The Metotrexato is an antagonistic frmaco of the acid flico and acts on the cellular hiperproliferao. Although available since 1948, it was introduced as antipsoritico agent in 1958 and is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) with this indication since 1971. The frmaco inhibits in competitive way the activity of the enzyme diidrofolato- redutase, being considered one specific quimioterpico of the phase of synthesis of the cellular cycle. Its action is marcante on cellular populations in phase of exponential growth, what it explains the selective effect sbre tumorais cells and action on fabrics in proliferation. Originally it was used in the treatment of psorase had its effect in the queratincitos in fast division, imunomoduladoras properties braking the production of IL- 1 and diminishing the density of cells of Langherans in the epidermis, it also has indications of its performance on the cells antigen presenters (BOURNERIAS; CHOSIDOW, 1994).
Azatioprina: Figure 12: It formulates Molecular of the Azatioprina. Source: . The Azatioprina is a imunossupressor agent who after constitutes the base for prevention of the rejection of enxerto transplants, is also used in the treatment of psoriase, acts preferential inhibiting cells T and diminishing in the NK number (Natural Killer) (VICTOR; GOTTLIEB, 2002). Carbamazepina: Figure 13: It formulates Molecular Carbamazepina. Source: . The Cabamazepina is a frmaco that blocks the sodium canals and inhibits the repetitive detonations of the neurons, also acts daily pay sinapticamente diminishing the transmission of the nervous impulse.
Recently they suggest that the effect after sinpticos of it can potencializar BRAG (VICTOR; GOTTLIEB, 2002). Hidroxiuria: Figure 14: It formulates Structural of the Hidroxiuria. Source: . The Hidroxiuria is antimetabolito that has been used for the treatment of psorase has three decades.