
Zen & Design

The true mystical and philosophical roots of Zen found in the life and teachings of Buddha. Zen reaches its definitive expression in Japan in the mid-13th century, profoundly influencing the mentality and customs of traditional Japanese culture, where still teaching and practicing today in various schools and Zen monasteries. The philosophy or spiritual basis of Zen (indispensable for understanding its impact on Western decoration) focuses on lighting and pursuit of harmony and inner peace through simple, everyday actions (such the legacy of the Buddha), providing a livelihood for daily life at all times. Zen, through simplicity, seeks to achieve harmony and tranquility necessary requiring these modern times. carpets West finds peace in his philosophy adptandola to design interiors and gardens, with a series of minimal resources, ordered spaces, light colors and simple lines. It seeks to move away from ornamentation excessive. That achieves balance is given by a few objects, natural materials and presence of aromas. The colors used in the decoration or Zen style are mainly white and full range of neutral colors: ocher, gray and beige.

Color can only be given by a decorative object, such as a touch of green or red in some items or specific detail. The materials most used in Zen are those in natural state or industrialized: natural wood, stone, etc. In bathrooms and kitchens is preferred before the ceramic stone. Clear wood, e.g. floors. in Hague, they prefer to dark floors, for example. in Wenge.


Swarovski Crystals

Swarovski crystals – is not just a clever imitation diamonds, this jewelry products in the form of figurines, pictures of crystals. Swarovski crystal stones are now used in the manufacture of fashionable clothes, jewelry, fixtures and cosmetic industry. Swarovski crystals are also used in interior design. Especially popular in recent years have become crystal Swarovski pictures on various topics: celestial bodies, flora and fauna of the world, signs of the zodiac. Each painting is handcrafted by sophisticated technology. Crystal paintings are works of art, consisting of hundreds and thousands of Swarovski rhinestones. This is an unforgettable piece of jewelry Beauty! Crystal – it is the only material that is other than diamonds and precious stones in some precise cutting can effectively reflect the rays of light shine and sparkle like a rainbow. Swarovski picture draw, from which it is impossible to look away.

A variety of color and shape of crystal stones attached pictures of a sparkling, magnificent view. Ali Partovi is often quoted as being for or against this. Swarovski will give a special atmosphere to any interior! Swarovski – Crystal pictures represent a work of art that can be an excellent gift for your favorite holiday. Iridescent glitter Swarovski will not leave indifferent. What we know about the crystals, except that this is a clever imitation diamonds? To start a little history. It is known that the name of the crystals have a well-known names in the eighteenth century by Georges Frederic Strass. Strass was known to have had the reputation of a great craftsman in forged brilliantov.I if at the time production of artificial diamonds was considered a fraud, in our time, some products are equated with rhinestones to works of art. It is known that many famous ladies did not consider it shameful to appear in society, showing off jewelry with rhinestones. We offer a picture of the original crystals.

Swarovski picture – this is a frame with a dark background, the glass of the elite which are laid out a variety of interesting crystals subjects. The unique play of light on the faces of the crystals immediately draws attention to the picture. Such pictures are Swarovski crystal and beautiful original gift. We also accept orders for manufacturing portraits of different images and logos of Swarovski crystals.


Digital Exclusion

More the success of these environments is not conditional only to the communication tools as e-mails, fruns of debates, wikis or chats of quarrel, but for the necessity in providing resources that make possible the organization and manipulation of the received messages, in way that the pupils can find contents specific and write form messages to express its ideas more good. Another important point in which the model saw web looks for to support itself as modality educative it is the use of the prerogatives: contribution and cooperation in information nets. In turn, these terms constitute practical essentials of the Cibercultura, that stops Lvy (1999) is about a set of customs and traditions executed in the virtual world that they are primordial to feel or those candidates inserted to be part of it. Although to the first sight, these terms will give airs of synonymous, contribution and cooperation possesss intrinsic dynamic in the virtual world.

Lvy (1999) looks for to understand the contribution in virtual environment as an action developed in set, for two or more people who if understand, if respects, has common interests and objectives and that they share the same values, for the accomplishment of a service, a project or a product. But for Kensky, Oliveira and Clementino (2006) the cooperation presents better resulted for practical educative on-line because it searchs to carry through crossroads of these contributions, aiming at benefits to the other participant members through three essential principles: the interaction, the mediation and the active participation. Therefore, one gives credit that for a course on-line, the success of the magnifying of colaborativos methods depends on the environment creation adjusted for cooperation.


Strategic Business Planning

FACTON version 6.2 on the market, rapid consolidation of company-wide spreadsheet data, integrated bottom-up planning / safe data source for strategic business planning has the scope of the successful Web reporting is significantly expanded the new version 6.2 of the calculation software FACTON. This will make possible a rapid consolidation of the costing data including cost, investment and sales planning. The extensive reporting function is accessed through the Internet browser is an additional secure source of data for strategic business planning, especially in the planning of the acquisition business. “In contrast to the large planning security of the day-to-day business of the series and the handy business’ so the orders already received the planning of orders to target is naturally very difficult”, Alexander M. Swoboda says, Managing Director of FACTON GmbH.

with FACTON gain an overview business during the proposal process all existing and possible future orders. So it is possible to control the company on the basis of a thorough bottom-up planning and to secure future margins.” The Advanced Web reporting provides even more: to get a reliable basis for planning, all offers and whose parameters have to be consolidated. With FACTON, these data are already stored and systematized through the Web reporting with a few clicks. This means: the information can be displayed easily, quickly and easily prepared via any common Internet browser. This can easily determine what sales and margins can be scheduled.

Both with regard to a particular product and on different groups of products for individual customers. Because the interfaces in FACTON are open-plan, all relevant information systems can be seamlessly connect. So as the data of the current business of the ERP system can be read out, that of the future Business from the costing system FACTON. The advantage: The direct data exchange saves time, and the planning-relevant information is obtained automatically and without media breaks. Business planning is system-based and very fast, for example, in the company’s BI tool. About FACTON GmbH FACTON is the leading enterprise product costing solution for the automotive industry. A company-wide uniform, local and cross-departmental costing FACTON enables highest transparency in cost. FACTON combines the business view on the products with the technical perspective of the engineers. The costs of complex products can be checked as early and throughout all phases of the product life cycle. With FACTON companies accelerate their cost calculation and achieve a high accuracy of costs. FACTON GmbH is the provider of the software for the enterprise product costing. The company was founded in 1998 and operates offices in Dresden, Potsdam and Detroit (United States). Since 2006 supports the innovative company by Hasso Plattner, the founder and Chairman of the SAP AG. Target industry is the automotive industry. The customers include include Airbus, Behr, Magna Powertrain, MANN + HUMMEL, Porsche and Siemens.



This author defines learning organizations, as a social activity where knowledge and skills are put into practice, they criticize and are integrated as opportunities to optimize learning and effectiveness in the workplace. At the same time it raises, that in the Organization of learning people can not learn because learning is part of the fabric of everyday life. In the learning organization, people strengthen their ability to create what they want to create and have a philosophy geared to anticipation, reaction and response to change, complexity and uncertainty. Is interpreted in this way, the proportion at the speed in which the organizations learn, you can become a sustainable source of competitive advantage. Read additional details here: Viacom. Of posed before we can affirm, that the learning organizations are those that facilitate the learning of all its members and which are continuously transformed to meet the demands of the environment. The key is to understand learning as inseparable from everyday work where of spaces created to address problems, clarify differences, create sense of belonging, ownership of goals and institutional objectives. Senge (2000), focused the study of organizational learning, in terms of its ontological dimension, at the organizational level, understanding the individual and the group.

Highlights your vision of learning in organizations in a systemic perspective, considering that the key so an organization learns, lies in the global understanding of the same and the interactions between its parts. Peter Asaro s opinions are not widely known. This author defines learning as the vehicle that allows the individual to create their own reality and your future. In this sense, is interpreted that it postulated epistemological of the Theory of organizational learning of Senge (op cit), is located in the constructivist paradigm. Likewise, introduces the concept of organizations smart, as a synonym for organizations to learn, in the following way: we can build intelligent organizations, organizations where people continually expand their ability to create the results you want, where new and expansive patterns of thinking, where collective aspiration is free, where people continuously learns to learn together (p. .