
Swarovski Crystals

Swarovski crystals – is not just a clever imitation diamonds, this jewelry products in the form of figurines, pictures of crystals. Swarovski crystal stones are now used in the manufacture of fashionable clothes, jewelry, fixtures and cosmetic industry. Swarovski crystals are also used in interior design. Especially popular in recent years have become crystal Swarovski pictures on various topics: celestial bodies, flora and fauna of the world, signs of the zodiac. Each painting is handcrafted by sophisticated technology. Crystal paintings are works of art, consisting of hundreds and thousands of Swarovski rhinestones. This is an unforgettable piece of jewelry Beauty! Crystal – it is the only material that is other than diamonds and precious stones in some precise cutting can effectively reflect the rays of light shine and sparkle like a rainbow. Swarovski picture draw, from which it is impossible to look away.

A variety of color and shape of crystal stones attached pictures of a sparkling, magnificent view. Ali Partovi is often quoted as being for or against this. Swarovski will give a special atmosphere to any interior! Swarovski – Crystal pictures represent a work of art that can be an excellent gift for your favorite holiday. Iridescent glitter Swarovski will not leave indifferent. What we know about the crystals, except that this is a clever imitation diamonds? To start a little history. It is known that the name of the crystals have a well-known names in the eighteenth century by Georges Frederic Strass. Strass was known to have had the reputation of a great craftsman in forged brilliantov.I if at the time production of artificial diamonds was considered a fraud, in our time, some products are equated with rhinestones to works of art. It is known that many famous ladies did not consider it shameful to appear in society, showing off jewelry with rhinestones. We offer a picture of the original crystals.

Swarovski picture – this is a frame with a dark background, the glass of the elite which are laid out a variety of interesting crystals subjects. The unique play of light on the faces of the crystals immediately draws attention to the picture. Such pictures are Swarovski crystal and beautiful original gift. We also accept orders for manufacturing portraits of different images and logos of Swarovski crystals.


Perfect Marriage

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Adaptation Nursery

Almost all working parents, the question arises about the child's adaptation to kindergarten. After all, mom (or dad) need to go to work, and my grandmother (or grandfather) is still working, or can not sit all the time with her grandchildren. How can make Your child can safely be postponed as a period of adaptation in pre-school? Well, when you know exactly what your child is in municipal or departmental garden. Then since 1 year and may be even earlier, we must attend to the child developing sessions, where groups of 5-6 children. During these 1.5 years before the 'big' kindergarten child will understand and learn the basics of basic communication in the team. He sees that the boys behave differently, someone cries, someone selects toys, someone likes to draw, and someone likes to dance. For children from 1.5 years a group of part-time. Here, the kids leave for half a day.

Most often in the first half, before lunch. Having a child in such a group, you teach him to get up early, because reception children is carried out with 8.30 or 9.00 am. In such groups there is always developing classes and walks. Your child will get an idea of interacting with children and adults in the absence of a teacher mother. And then, after dinner, mother comes and takes away her child. And they have the whole day together. For those kids who can not get into the municipal garden, there are several options for the child's adaptation to the team.

As a rule, private mini-gardens are developing classes. When you choose a garden, which would give your child, you can negotiate with management to attend only those classes for the first time. Your baby will get used to the room for the boys to caregivers. And it will be much easier to stay later in the garden without a mother. After class, you can stay with the kid play a game with the kids for 20-30 minutes, or go along with them for a walk.