Assessing the progress of mankind in the path of seeking the truth about the Earth, we consciously or unconsciously turn to the ancient Greeks. Much has arisen from them, but also through a lot of them came to us from other nations. So ordered History: Science submission and opening of the territorial Egyptian, Sumerian and other ancient oriental peoples are often kept only in memory of the Greeks, and from there became known to subsequent generations. Striking example of this – detailed news about Phoenicians, who inhabited a narrow strip of the eastern Mediterranean coast and in the II-I millennium bc. er.
opened to Europe and coastal areas of North-western Africa. Strabo, a Roman scholar and a Greek by origin, in its semnadtsatitomnoy "Geography" wrote: "Until now, many Greeks borrow from Egyptian priests, and the Chaldeans." But Strabo skeptical of his predecessors, including the Egyptians. The flourishing of Greek civilization to the period between the vi century bc and the middle of the ii century bc. er. Chronologically, it almost coincides with the time of the existence of classical Greece and Hellenism. This time, in light of several centuries, when raised, flourished and died the Roman Empire, called the antique His initial overseas assumed vii – ii century bc, when policies are developed rapidly, the Greek city-state.
This form of government has become hallmark of the Greek world. Development of knowledge from the Greeks is unique stories of the day. The scale of comprehension of science can be represented at least by the fact that in less than three centuries (!) Went their way Greek Mathematics – from Pythagoras to Euclid, the Greek astronomy – from Thales to Euclid, the Greek natural science – from Anaximander to Aristotle and Theophrastus, the Greek geography – from Miletus to Eratosthenes and Hipparchus, and so on.