
New E-coaching Service Helps SMEs Easy And Inexpensive To More Success

the topic makes the start content marketing for small and medium-sized companies can improve quickly, easily and inexpensively in relevant business and marketing topics “Go-around” and so their performance on the market. Ensures a new online service, the entrepreneur training, coaching and consulting bundles: the Dr. Kruzewicz E-coaching intensive. That ‘e’ in E-Coaching is to the one for “electronic” (as for example in E-commerce or E-learning), on the other hand for “Entrepreneur”, so entrepreneurs. “My E-coaching intensive aimed primarily at owner, Manager and marketing and Vertriebsverantwortliche want to start out in business and marketing topics by small and medium-sized enterprises, and quickly and cost-effectively achieve results”, as the internationally renowned consultant and marketing expert Dr. Michael Kruzewicz.

Now, what specifically is an E-coaching intensive, and what advantages it offers the company? The ancient Greeks already knew: “nothing is as constant as the Change”(Heraclitus). The dynamics of the changes that companies must make accelerated rapidly. Above all, the Internet has changed the world in unexpected ways. Issues such as for example E-Commerce, online marketing, Web 2.0, social media or content marketing are examples of opportunities offered through the Internet. At the same time are these themes but also for challenges, companies must provide, if they want to do well in the competition.

Often lacking but small and medium-sized companies listed on the resources and expertise to tackle these challenges successfully. Classical training providers, marketing agencies and consultants can cover often only ever a part of the necessary know-how. In addition, that the selection of appropriate training or service provider due to lack of market transparency is often difficult especially for small and medium-sized enterprises or even impossible. On the other hand the visit is highly specialised corresponding events often quite expensive, and the use of external consultants or agencies usually involves considerable costs. Here, Dr. Kruzewicz E-coaching concept is intense.