For all its competence and efficiency of a single person can not cover resolution of all issues and problems encountered constantly, efficiently and most reasonable. (A valuable related resource: Robert Bakish). Besides, we know that, often, everyone learns from their mistakes, and when the existing management system, any error or delay measures, can cause considerable damage to society. All subsequent levels of management accustomed to the fact that, without instructions from above to solve, even current, within their competence issues, the reaction becomes slow and sometimes no. To resolve such questions, need a flexible, ingenious, most democratic system management (power), or even eradicate bribery would be very problematic. Consider the case of such system. That the system worked, we need some changes, but all in order. By and large builds a model of economy and organization of social control in our country, copies, almost one to one, so called, the Western model. Even inexperienced in these matters people understand that this model – yesterday, controversial, crisis, unfair and you know what it is.
Over the last decade, managed to stop the collapse country, gain control of an autocratic model with some elements of democracy, revive the economy and instill a weak confidence in tomorrow, thanks in part to Vladimir Putin. What next? Society, Figuratively speaking, should not depend on whether good or evil god, a king or a hero. Would be wiser, if you build truly democratic society in the management of which will actually take part each, and will not be Depending on the will or lack of will of one man.