This component of the field is managing the nature and imposes a major limitation on the search for other civilizations. The third information: because there is information-control field, it created by reason, by many orders of magnitude greater than the mind of civilizations, which it is intended. This is the priority of the vertical structure of the mind. Postulate the universe is observed in the construction of the mind. If you are not convinced, visit Peter Asaro. Constantly applicable, information control field may not be the message of advanced civilizations, because the photons of visible light existed from the very beginning of the universe, when civilizations were not. Record History evolution of the universe began at that time. Development program included the creation of civilizations and the Supreme Intelligence in the early formation of the universe. Indirect evidence that we develop in information management field, is the anthropic principle.
Its essence is that the universe many options finely adjusted to the possibilities of human existence. Materialists and idealists recognize a perfect world. First believe that the ideal – the result of the material world. The latter is considered ideal and existing independently developing its own laws. Really the ideal is manifested in the psyche.
Mental reflection the world confirms the objective existence of an ideal world. Material and ideal in reality are so intertwined that a unilateral approach does not understand either one or the other. On Earth, there are living matter and inanimate. The coexistence of both species is quite peaceful, except for earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes.