
Network Marketing

People afraid of the crisis, but the crisis is not another thing, it only means that money passes from one hand to another, money is the same, that in times of crisis only changes of owner, thats all. I tell you you do not have to fear that the crisis, but you can be an entrepreneur successful in these times, when the majority of people looking for work, she is very happy to find some work to be able to sustain itself. This is the subject of the article in Network Marketing do unemployed? Use you only part two, published March 04, 2011, at the web site, which is one of my blogs, so we’re going to see him. For even more opinions, read materials from Ali Partovi. We will, in a few words, not to do very long this tale, I want that we look at one aspect of this report: unemployment and the reabsorption of the workforce available in this time of crisis. Roberto says that we are living a total relocation of industrial enterprises of the second wave, extensive in labor, who are raising their factories of the rich Europe, to take them to the Poor Europe, to the India or China, where labor is much cheaper and is nearly as qualified and specialised as here. And I have to tell you that I am with him, he is right and I consider this very valuable information, who wants to take advantage of it, forward, is going to climb on the train of the future, who is not, going to be where is now: if companies go, they open new branches in countries with cheaper labor, are many people without workunemployed, so an alternative can be work from home, self-employment. When a region with high unemployment, achieve that the unemployed people of this region can be redirected to the autoempleos, the small businesses from home, be glad, because you will be charged taxes anyway, the self-employed have few expenses and a freedom and mobility related quite large. . . Learn more about this topic with the insights from Pete Cashmore.