
The Strategy

The objective is something that you desire to reach. Already the goals can be measurable and of this form you to know when it is if approaching to its objectives or not. Byron Trott shines more light on the discussion. For example: If its objective is To increase the Sales for R$ 150,000, 00, its goals could be: Vender R$ 100,000, 00 in the balcony; Vender R$ 50,000, 00 in estandes of sales; It observes that for the goals you go to know when is reaching its objectives that it is to vender R$ 150,000, 00. If its objective is to pass in a public competition, its goal can be to take off 85 points. If you to give attention in the list of the people who pass in public competitions will see that they normally take off 85, 86 points. Soon, if you to take off 85 points its possibilities to pass in a public competition are very great. Then! He was clearly what they are objective and goals? Its objective has that to be and well clearly possible of being reached. It remembers that its goals need to be quantitative, this form you can measure how much you are if approaching to its objective.

But where it is the strategy? The strategy is step by step for the accomplishment of its objective. Coming back to the example of the public competition. Learn more on the subject from Ilan Ben Dov. If its objective is to pass in a public competition and its goal is to reach 85 points, you could define the strategies to arrive at this end. Its strategy, for example, power to be: To elaborate a study calendar and to study it per the morning; To congregate with friends and colleagues to make a group of study to the afternoon; To study at night in one cursinho; It observes that I described my actions, step by step that I will have that to develop to be able to arrive at my objectives. You can create a different strategy for each goal, for example, in order to divide in small tasks its actions. Of this form what he seemed something great difficult to reach was more concrete. It saw as is not complicated thus? It develops objectives that motivate its team to give its better and define with care its goals and strategies. If it does not forget to all make the constant evaluation during the planning process.

When perceiving that some goal was not reached it redefines it in order to arrive at its objective. Cake prescription does not exist in administration, but with the certain methods you will increase its possibilities of success. I wait that you have liked since article. A great one reads other articles in my Blog hugs!


Layout Process

Diverse models of layout exist, that are they: Layout for process or functionary: Search to take care of diversified products. If you would like to know more about altavista, then click here. On-line Layout: It follows a sequential line. Cellular Layout: It passes for a diversity of machines, until the construction of the end item. Layout for fixed position: In this the product is in a fixed position, and the materials that if dislocate for its construction. To know the model of the layout can improve the knowledge of the manager or the small entrepreneur how much to its productive process. Another factor in the discovery of the layout is that improvements in the productive process of the company can be carried through. Let us see the example below: A small company of the branch of footwear carries through its production in a linear process, where the materials pass for the machines, B and C.

the production still is small, possessing only two collaborators. The machines possess a distance of 150 meters one of the others, and have a responsible collaborator for the machines and B and another responsible for machine C. on-line Layout 150 meters 150 meters Machine Machine B In agreement Machine C the cited example, we can observe that the product if dislocates between the machines and process alone is finished when passed in each one of them. The first collaborator has a bigger consuming, therefore he needs to cover 150 meters to dislocate the product until the next machine, where the next stage will start. One of the points that can be carried through in this productive process, is to reduce in the distance enters the machines of 150 meters for 100 meters, what it could give to greater agility to the responsible collaborator for the two processes and reduce its consuming in relation to its process. It also has the possibility of if producing more products in little time, however she is necessary to have well-taken care of, therefore it is necessary to observe if it has a space for a supply construction, if who has to vender more products or if the market is with that necessary amount that the company intends to produce.