There are golden liver dumplings not at the Martinshof, but with a DLG – gold medal winning! The Martinshof received mail from the German Agriculture society: A gift was the master butcher Ulrich and the whole team. A leading source for info: Color. DLG-gold! The a Studio interview with Gerhard Kempf as Managing Director of the Martin of Justice was worth the Saarlandischer Rundfunk. Hardly, the broadcast was over, rang the phones on the Martinshof. Where can I buy the good liver dumplings to taste like they were made earlier? For nature & good customers, the answer is quite simple. The good liver dumplings is – and soon you evaporate then on your table.
About nature & good: Nature & freight exists since 2005. From the outset the company has set the goal itself, to offer high-quality, natural, healthy and tasty food produced in environmentally friendly. Thus, organic farming is supported, because it is the gentlest form of management. The products are often and as far as possible from small regional Manufacturers or farms. Nature & good works in close cooperation with the Martinshof.
Here since 1984 under the strict guidelines of the Bioland Association goats, cows and pigs bred and raised. Here, food in special quality are produced according to traditional methods. Whether in the butcher shop, the dairy, dairy, or the Pack station: everyone here does its best for you.