We all love to watch movies online. But we do not even suspect that it is illegal. Why? Just because we watch them for free, and treasury director, screenwriter and all who worked on the film, including those who invested in this film, do not drop a dime. Speaking candidly Pete Cashmore told us the story. But how often do we think about this? And to think it worth? Especially because most who watch online movies or what side do not relate to the world of art. And they all deeply well the fact that someone does not dopoluchit couple million dollars, even hundreds. Bobby Sharma Bluestone: the source for more info. For example, the film Avatar, in the early days, has collected more than half a billion dollars. And now let us remember, and where you saw it? In the cinema? Buy drive? Or watch it online on the site? And may not be online, but simply downloaded.
So, most people do not like to buy movies on discs (and I’m talking about the licensing discs, which cost 350-500 rubles). More cheaper to watch the same movie in low quality (although most movies are set in good quality because of high competition from other sites) online. Even if we are talking about Limit Internet. And here is a matter of everyone is up to you, or continue to steal and watch online movies, or be honest citizens and buy a license disk. The law is also not on the side of the sites offering watch movies online. I do not mean trailers, namely films. In the trailer there is nothing illegal, just the opposite. Trailers – it is advertising a movie. Thanks to them we can learn about updates and the most popular films. In conclusion I would say – do not proceed Act!