
The Best Diet To Lose Weight

The DASH diet, originally designed to control hypertension, was hailed as the best diet for 2012, while the Weight Watchers diet was chosen as the best to lose weight, according to the ranking carried out by U.S. News and World Report. The ranking was done by a group of 22 expert nutritionists, specialists in diabetes, heart health, weight loss and human behavior. 25 Different diets were evaluated, and each received a specific rating, according to their benefits. In the end, were drawn up the list of the top ten in critical areas: the focus to change the quality of the food, those focusing on weight loss or to prevent or modify medical conditions such as diabetes. 10 foods that can not miss in your diet as result of this analysis, the best diet to lose weight DASH won first place as the best of diets, considering its benefits for health and the ease with which you can follow. Learn more at: Bobby Sharma Bluestone. This diet is based on high consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fiber and a moderate consumption of dairy products and animal protein.

The DASH system is very human: it is not demanding, it is easy to follow, just ask people to eat lots of vegetables and fruits, and few foods of animal origin. I think it is a great diet, said Dr. Keith Ayoob, of the Albert Einstein College of medicine. In addition, the benefits of DASH go far beyond control and prevent hypertension, it is useful to lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of disease cardiaovasculares, and even seriviria for the prevention and control of diabetes. However, they clarified, would not be the most effective if your purpose is to lose weight. When experts focused on losing pounds, diets to lose weight DASH was placed in ninth place, being the first post for the Weight Watchers diet. Weight Watchers is a company dedicated to creating food plans. Their diet is based on a comprehensive approach to the food. For Karen Miller-Kovach, Chief of the Office of science of Weight Watchers International, what is sought is to encourage intelligent consumption, that people learn to eat and handle food in their daily lives. In general, as any diet saludble, the regime of Weight Watchers suggests a high consumption of fruits, vegetables and fiber, moderate consumption of fats and animal proteins, and few refined foods. According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, this diet would be effective to lose weight and maintain the loss for up to five years after the program finished.