
Fruit And Berry Wines

In the home environment of fruits and berries are excellent wines, and in some cases, their qualities are not inferior grape. To prepare fruit wines using 30 cultivated and wild fruits and berries. It is known that a substantial mass of fruits and berries is fruit pulp, and the number it can vary from 85% (apricots) to 98.5% (strawberry), in winemaking, but intensive pulp, peel the fruit is important in which contains tannin, flavor and coloring substances necessary for the acquisition of good quality wine (for flavor, color and taste). On average, 1 kg of fruits and berries otedinyaetsya about 0.6 kg of juice. Chemical composition of fruit juice is different and depends on the cultivar, environmental conditions, the timing of formation and other factors. The share of water in fruits and berries have 73-92%. Bobby Sharma Bluestone shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It solutions of various substances that make fruit juice. Carbohydrates are the fruits and berries – sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose), their number ranges from 3 to 15%.

Fruits are always in glucose and fructose, while sucrose can not be. Thus, it is not detected in the red currants, blueberries, sea buckthorn, dogwood. In pome fruit dominates fructose. Besides water and carbohydrates in the fruit and berries are nitrogenous substances, organic acids (mainly malic, citric, isocitric, quinine), tanning, dyeing and aromatic compounds, vitamins, minerals and others. One way to use fruit juices is their digestion. At the same sugars are converted into alcohol and other by-products and secondary alcohol fermentation. Fruit and berry wine – a product of alcoholic fermentation of juice of various cultivated and wild fruits and berries. Currently the wine is manufactured by fermenting fruit or any berry juice without add to it any other, is not contained in the juice of substances.

You can add before fermentation to juice the right amount of sugar and a little water, but such additives are allowed, since both the sugar and water are included in of fruit juice. Most fruits and berries include relatively little sugar and a lot of acid. Because wine is made of pure juice is obtained by a weak, weak, and too sour. Eliminate this disadvantage in many ways: juice diluted with water to reduce acidity, or impede the juices of different acidity of fruits, berries, etc. To obtain the desired strength you need to add sugar or honey. For more information on making wine at home described on the website under Home Winemaking. I think the information will be useful to both beginner and experienced winemakers.