Often you should take and charging large amounts of NetFlow flow routers. To no packets are destroyed when the receive buffer must be filled in the configuration file to increase the size of this utm5.cfg Buffer: nfbuffer_bufsize = 10485760 This directive sets the size of the receive buffer of 10 MB. At the same time at the start of the core billing system in debug.log line shall be shown on the successful increase in the receive buffer:? Debug: Jan 29 19:39:30 NFBuffer: Setting SO_RCVBUF to bytes in some cases will need to increase the maximum size of the receive buffer in the operating system. Perform this operation on Linux using the command: sysctl-w net.core.rmem_max = 10485760 under FreeBSD: kern.ipc.maxsockbuf = 10485760 net.inet.udp.recvspace = 10485760 net.local.dgram.recvspace = 10485760 net.inet. udp.maxdgram = 100 000 As a result of these settings billing system will be able to take large amounts of NetFlow packets.
In particular there will be no packet loss at times of peak loads. To reduce the load on the CPU and reduce the occupied hard disk space is needed use a new mechanism for storing detailed data on traffic. Detailed data are a complete copy of all NetFlow flow received billing system. To enable the new mechanism should be in the control center in “Settings” to add the option: raw_storage_file = 1 after the addition of this option, you must restart to make the core billing system. In this detailed data will be stored in files with the extension. Utm.
File Format developed NetUP. For further analysis of these data we can use a utility get_nf_direct. Example usage: / netup/utm5/bin/get_nf_direct-b / netup/utm5/db/iptraffic_raw_1138443603.utm-u The output of output will be stored in the file / netup/utm5/db/iptraffic_raw_1138443603.utm. Core billing system records the detailed data to a file for 1 hour. Next, close the file and made a new discovery. After the file has been closed to call external programs / netup/utm5/bin/raw_fd_script, where the parameters Given the path to closing the file. This program performs the necessary steps – backup, backup, etc. The example program / netup/utm5/bin/raw_fd_script language shell: #! / Bin / sh gzip $ * The result of such billing system settings will be optimal use of CPU and disk subsystem. On the stand NetUP performance tests were carried out a billing system for large volumes of statistics. To test the server has been used the following configuration: CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.00 GHz frequency RAM: 2 GB Hard Drive: Serial ATA 250 GB Network card: Intel 100 Mbit / s Operating system: Gentoo Linux to create NetFlow flow test used a separate server. As a generator of Netflow packages used by utility utm5_flowgen. Download the utility was fixed top. In order that the conditions were as realistic as possible, NetFlow flow by 100% contains statistics belonging registered in the billing system test subscribers. The correctness of billing and receiving controlled according to a report on traffic and data from the section “Advanced” – “Statistics”. The test results are shown in the chart.