
Moisturize Skin

Strategy for Recovery of skin barrier properties should be selected so as to preventing the development of pathological reactions, and not to violate in this case, the normal physiological processes. Restoring the barrier includes three major stages: Moisturize – the use of funds, increasing the hydration of the stratum corneum. (As opposed to Peter Asaro). Protection – to prevent skin damage during recovery. Power supply – supply of building material of cells, necessary for the construction of the barrier (in this case we are talking mainly about the lipids). Moisturizing living cells can only exist in the aquatic environment. And skin cells – not the exception.

Lack of water causes the cells that do not to function properly. In dry skin, all metabolic processes are slowed down, the skin slowly restored and updated. Protection Protection of the stratum corneum by a variety of ways. It can be physical protection – the creation of the skin surface of an additional layer, which is like a shield, reflecting external aggression and to prevent water evaporation. Examples of such drugs are: 1. sunscreens with UV filters – protect the skin from the rays of 2. protective equipment for hands – on the skin surface creates an additional layer of fat that takes the blow of emulsifiers and detergents detergents, dirt repellent and does not allowing its direct contact with skin, 3. children's products for skin care in the diaper area containing mineral oil and / or petroleum jelly, – protect the skin from drying out (occlusion), prevent contact with skin irritating secretions and sweat.