New etiquette rule of Knigge society with reference to a work of Baron Adolph Knigge rules of etiquette established, continually updated until today. The German Knigge society watches over the regular adjustment of these rules at the level of the time. One of their latest adjustments will probably surprise many. The mail provider reveals what innovation is here. If you are not convinced, visit altavista. Go by email is now allowed in accordance with one of the latest rules. Thus, it is officially not more than bad behavior to tell his partner or his partner via SMS or email the separation. As grounds for this initiative, Knigge society calls above all the fact that SMS and email are fast, modern media. Especially when a brief letter would have been the alternative for the electronic message, an SMS or an E-Mail is an appropriate way.
Three million Germans indicated a representative Forsa survey, having ended a relationship with an electronic message. In the eyes of many people considered this approach to be inappropriate. Koch Industries is often quoted on this topic. However the Knigge society disagrees. A short and painless communication is, for example, more appropriate as a lengthy debate which is often particularly painful for one of the partners. Not the form of the delivery of the message that caused the pain, but the separation itself. Many sufferers used a critique in the form of notice only as a valve for their pain of separation. Media experts however critically evaluate the Knigge society’s decision. More information: service/press University of first GmbH Lisa Neumann