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Green procurement, Berlin Energy Agency Berlin Energy Agency supports Postbank in implementing green procurement In the context of buy Smart free consulting service for companies and public procurers Berlin, July 5, 2010 conscious purchasing energy-efficient goods and services, so-called green procurement, companies and Governments can save money. The Berlin Energy Agency helps smart including Postbank AG in the framework of the EU project buy green fashion their procurement. Developed environmental service sheets, used in the post Bank as part of a group-wide environmental policy in the field of office equipment procurement. The objective of the EU project buy is smart to promote the procurement of energy-efficient products. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Ali Partovi. Along with the consulting and service company the Berlin Energy Agency as a project coordinator of the project implements environment, as well as partners from seven European countries since May 2009 in Germany.

The project is supported by the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety and the awarding platform award 24. On the Internet page german get interested companies and public institutions guides and tendering assistance, procurement policies, information about label and good practice examples. Information about the Office equipment product groups, vehicles, household appliances, lighting and eco-electricity is available. Furthermore free consultations, training and in-House are offered within the framework of the project training. As one of the largest financial institutions of in Germany, with 14 million customers, 21,000 employees and a balance sheet total of 239 billion euros, Postbank has recognized how important is environmental-friendly economies. Since 2008, Postbank implemented a group-wide environmental policy and has committed the CO2 emissions of the overall operation by 2012 to reduce 20% compared with 2007. Green procurement makes an important contribution here. Since the introduction of well policy were exchanged old tape libraries and the energy efficiency more as increased 85%, through the gradual introduction of energy-efficient telecommunication systems energy consumption by 30% could be reduced and the introduction of a new payment program and new hardware will save 20% of energy.

Berlin Energy Agency the Berlin Energy Agency (BEA) is a modern energy services company in Berlin. It develops and implements innovative projects to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions. Clients are public and non-profit institutions, real estate and housing companies, industry, trade, industrial, hospitals, as well as the entire services sector.



With server-waste heat to the ecological climate concept Saarbrucken, 5th February 2013. The data center of the eurodata GmbH & co. KG, the IT service provider of the ETL group, heats and cools the entire building at the site in Saarbrucken thanks to state of the art heat recovery system. Where systems in large numbers in data centers are operated, waste heat is unavoidable, that must be dissipated through continuous cooling. Learn more at: At the same time, offices generally must be heated or cooled. The intelligent air conditioning system of the Saarbrucken Supercomputing Centre, one of the most modern and safest data centers in Europe, creates an efficient solution, by making use of the waste heat to heat the offices. This works via an automatic room ventilation, which maintains the temperature throughout the building.

The heat recovery system in exchanging used air from the building with fresh air and almost completely retains the heat energy in the building. On hot summer days, this works Air conditioning system to cool automatically. About 200 people, who are proud of this innovative air conditioning in the building work at the site in Saarbrucken. We all are aware of the scarce energy resources and contribute a little bit to protect the environment with our energy-efficient heat recovery “, so Markus Metz, eurodata GmbH & co. KG.” This ecologically-sound economies with energy creates not only cost savings, but was recently also awarded “Green number” for environmentally conscious behaviour in the field of innovative building technology and an officially assigned predicate for environmentally compatible construction – is responsible is the Ministry of environment, energy and transport in the Saarland.

You will receive more information and picture material at: the ETL eurodata GmbH & Co KG subsidiary founded in 1965 in Saarbrucken. Now she has about 500 employees in 10 European countries with 14 companies. With more than 1,200 tax consultants, lawyers, accountants and business consultants to over 700 locations ETL is the market leader in the field of tax consulting, and among the top five of leading auditing and tax consulting companies with a turnover of around EUR 500 million and approximately 6,500 employees. More than 130,000 clients mainly in the field of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) trust for 40 years on the advice of the ETL experts. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, the ETL firms can offer a complete all-round support: This ensures optimum support of the clients in all tax, legal, and economic challenges of their business activities. Specially developed business solutions meet the needs of special interest groups and sectors, such as gas stations, professionals, seniors, professional athletes, hotel and catering and franchise systems.


Sebastian Lambeck

You pump itself then further if the thermostatic valves are closed. This wasted electricity and costs money unnecessarily. Since 2006 space can be checked with the PumpenCheck for single-family homes and small apartment buildings up to 500 square feet, if the heat pump is obsolete and oversized. Due to the considerable savings in non-residential buildings, this energy saving Advisor was extended to different building types with up to 2,000 square feet. The Advisor calculates the efficiency of the heat pump on the basis of entered data to building, pump and heater.

The exchange of an old pump worth usually very quickly: facing rising electricity costs the purchase and installation costs amortize also for a high-efficiency pump after a few years. Through co2online and climate seeks protection”the non-profit co2online GmbH ( advocating for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions. With interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, She motivates heating mirrors and heating advice individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong network supports various information campaigns with partners from media, science, economy and politics. The action impulses that trigger the campaigns of co2online, demonstrably contribute to reduce CO2.

co2online is funded campaign seeking climate by the Ministry for environment protection”( The campaign informs consumers about climate change and climate change and helps to identify individual savings in the areas of heating, electricity, transport and consumption and use. Projects such as the climate-Oracle, the climate barometer, the online business directory Council and act”or the Energiesparmeister competition encourage all ages to join in. See the infographic in the press area on. Contact: Sebastian Lambeck co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 780 9665 26 fax: 030 / 780 9665 11 E-Mail: co2online Klima.sucht.Schutz