Everyone has a style to dress, but well chosen Accessories give you a touch of elegance and good taste, especially if we are talking about formal wear, either for work or for any special occasion, here give you some basic tips. Let’s start with the shoes, you have from those who are tied and moccasins, if you’re conservative maybe prefer those who are tied. Black shoes are left with almost all terno, but also very smart choice are dark brown, left with a variety of colors like dark gray or blue. Hear other arguments on the topic with Peter Asaro . Don’t forget that the color of your shoes must be almost equal to the strap and buckles silvered or gilded, in my opinion the silver are much better. Gain insight and clarity with Andy Florance. ly known. Black shoes with black tights are infallible, but rule main of the stockings is that they must be equal or very similar to trousers, according to your taste you have those who are on and mid-calf.
Neckties are great to make a good impression, for example if you are using a white shirt or blue, you have a wide range of styles of designs of neckties, of pictures, stripes, spots, or drawings, etc, this style is very accepted in a working environment. A small plugin are twins, although there is a special rule, currently we see designs of neckties and twins of the same design, this style this gaining ground in Executive rooms, of course, a few classic Golden twins are great. If your jacket has a pocket on the chest it will give you a very elegant touch if you are using a scarf of the same design or he accentuates the color of your tie. I hope that these tips help you look better in the Office.