
Spinal Nervous

Senility is described in senilis the dictionary as originary of the Latin word, that is, ' ' man velho' '. This concept represents a set of cognitivas or mannering losses observed in older adults. This deficit occurs because who is the brain practically controls all the remain of our organism, since the responsible instincts most basic for our survival, the complex and elaborated thoughts. Our emotions, the organic functions and our actions are organized by the brain that, together with the spinal marrow, composes our central nervous system (SNC). Through nerves that if extend from the spinal marrow, all our body establishes a perfect communication with the SNC, through the peripheral nervous system (SNP). This communication is very fast and is stored in our memory. Our functional brain is divided in structures: encfalo? cerebellum and left and right enceflico trunk, hemispheres, wolves? frontal, parietal, weather and occipital, more the lmbico system, are responsible for a variety of tasks and cognitivas, functional and emotivas functions that give to life and movement to our body. If you would like to know more then you should visit Dell. The basic functioning of the nervous system and the brain is the neurons.

The neurons emit electric impulses that all lead the messages for the brain and from there for the organism. These are protected by called cells neuroglia nourish that them, protect it supports and them. For its functioning, the stimulaton is necessary, that can be external or internal. The SNC and the brain, in all its complexity, to keep full balance, need to be functioning efficient and harmoniously. In the aging process, the changes that the brain suffers can compromise the balance and the effectiveness of its functioning. Every day, our nervous cells die and others are regenerated to substitute them. In the demenciativo process, for example, these cells are not regenerated and lose its function. As consequence of the aging, the cerebellum, the brain and hipocampo (responsible for the election and storage of information in appropriate sections of the memory, evoking them when necessary), they suffer a great cellular loss compromising, for example, the memory, the corporal balance and the movements.