
The Doctrine

It is subject is worked little in the Peruvian right, thus we must need that it finds but development in the Spanish right, in such sense is possible to be applied to the compared right caul consists of applying receptions, transplants, comparisons, macrocomparisons, microcomparisons, to the right, that is to say, within the compared right not only legislation but also other sources or parts of the right can be received or be transplanted as for example the doctrine and the manifestation of will, among others sources or parts of the right. 13. GROUPS OF SOCIETIES the groups of societies are supposed of groups of companies in such sense first is a specific subject but that the second. Thus some principles are applied to this subject of the group of companies. That is to say, all the societies are companies, and others of companies are for example the communal, cooperative companies and individual companies of limited responsibility, in others, which by the way are outside the margin of application of this subject. The groups of societies are supposed of enterprise concentration and in any case it is a subject but specific that the groups of companies, since this last subject is applied to all the companies, whereas the groups of societies are only applied to the societies, in such sense is clear that it deserves the pertinent studies, thus we must put record that can be grouped societies of all type, for example joint-stock companies with collective societies, or commercial societies of responsibility limited with limited partnerships. Steve Wozniak will not settle for partial explanations. In such sense the range of possibilities increases, nevertheless in the right Peruvian it only finds legislative regulation in the stock-exchange right and the banking right, thus in the first case are outside the margin of application of the law the societies that do not have actions enrolled in stock market. That is to say, this norm of conasev, which by the way only is of application to the stock-exchange right, but not to societies that are outside the margin of application of the same.


Cristina Fernandez

The casseroles Argentineans returned to indicate their sound in protest to the way how the present president Cristina Fernandez is leading to the country, and mainly, before the conflict of the Field that already has been a good time without reaching agreements that return to give the confidence, stability that as much inhales the Argentineans. Mariano Grondona of the Newspaper the Nation of Buenos Aires, on this reality contributes a writing that entails to consider the instability political, the displeasure that at the moment reigns in Argentina, indicates, that everything seemed to be that there is no dialogue will and restrictively it indicates to that a inverse of the word the dialogue, the controversial word, that comes from Greek the plemos, " guerra" , it alludes to a war that, instead of to use weapons, uses words. What was last Monday, when thousands and thousands of Argentineans along struck their casseroles and wide it of the country, they were not words but " ruidos" , but loaded noises of meaning. What said, without saying it, the cacerolazos? That their authors were not in agreement with way as Cristina Kirchner were facing the conflict with the field. And, from the moment at which many of them were not rural but urban, who were not either in agreement with the ways of the President, with its style generally. It is impossible not to bind this interpretation with the fact that, of January to this part, Cristina Kirchner she has seen diminish his index of popular approval of the 56 to the 20 percent. Originated in the crisis of the field, its landslide in the surveys goes clearly beyond the field. This information that indicates Grondona to us must be very worrisome for the government of the president Cristina Fernandez, dice to that to pains it is initiating his management and is already entered in desastibilizadores conflicts that does not favor to him, more when the country in the last years has lived a serious economic crisis, political, social.